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《榜样的力量》是一篇人物通讯,主要记叙木兰县委书记刘殿学为政清廉的事迹,表现新的历史时期共产党人全心全意为人民服务的崇高品质。全文由导言和三个部分构成。人物通讯的导言,一般概述人物的事迹、特点或作出评价.这篇通讯的导言,却是一个特写画面:朔风肆虐的寒冬深夜,一个县委书记半跪在母亲炕前烧坑,儿子因冻醒母亲而充满歉疚,母亲却深深地理解儿子:“要是当了官就忘了穷苦百姓,就是住着高楼大厦也不舒坦……”这就把人物为政清廉、全心全意为人民服务的特点,一下子形象地凸现在人们的面前,而导言最后点出“为母亲五更燃烧炕的,竟是黑龙江省木兰县委书记刘殿学”,也就有了出人意料、震人心魄的力量。第一部分,后天下之乐而乐。主要写刘殿学先忧后乐,不为家人谋利.刘殿学住的是“一位普通 “The Power of Example” is a character communication. It mainly describes the clean and honest deeds of Liu Dianxue, Party Secretary of Mulan County, and expresses the lofty quality of the Communist Party people’s wholeheartedly serving the people in the new historical period. The full text consists of an introduction and three parts. The introduction of the character communication generally outlines the character’s deeds, characteristics, or evaluations. The introduction of this newsletter is a close-up picture: late winter in the devastating winter, a county party secretary squatted in front of his mother’s knees and his son awakened due to freezing. My mother was full of apologetics, but my mother deeply understood her son: “If you were an official, you forgot the poor people, that is, you lived in a high-rise building and you are not comfortable...” This characterizes the character as being honest, serving the people wholeheartedly, and serving the people wholeheartedly. All of a sudden, it is vividly highlighted in front of the people, and the introduction concludes with “The Burning of the Mother, who was actually the Mulan County Party Committee Secretary of Heilongjiang Province, Liu Dianxue,” and there is also an unexpected and shocking power. The first part is happy after the world. He mainly wrote Liu Dianxue’s first worry about music, and did not make profits for his family.
本文标题提出的这个问题,可以说,是社会主义现代化建设对教育提出的一个新要求。怎样去适应这个要求?我的体会是: 实行民主教育,让学生在尊重人格的气氛中,学会自信自强,敢
这是一个新事物。在目前教育经费比较紧张,办学条件还比较差的情况下,实行这种办法,对提高教育质量大有好处,值得大力提倡。 This is a new thing. Given that the current