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常言道:“学高为师,德高为范。”教书育人,教书者必先学为人师,育人者必先行为世范。英语课堂教学的导入多种多样,教师可以根据不同类型、不同内容的课程,选择使用不同导入手段进行教学。其目的只有一个:用心灵去激发学生学习的兴趣,用心爱去启迪他们对知识的渴求,使他们重塑自信,超越自我,回归课堂。 As the saying goes: “High as a teacher, Takaga as the van. ” Teaching and educating people, teachers must first learn as a teacher, educators must first act as a deacon. The introduction of English classroom teaching a variety of, teachers can according to different types and content of the course, choose to use different methods of teaching. Its purpose is only one: to stimulate students’ interest in learning with heart, to inspire their thirst for knowledge with their heart and soul, to remold their self-confidence, surpass themselves and return to the classroom.
The microfractures and natural fractures studies have a great significance in the hydrocarbon accumulation exploration and can be a good supporter for wide geop
Qinshui Coalbed Methane Field, thelargest one in China, was recently foundin the southern part of Qinshui basin inShanxi Province. Based on the appraisalby expe
汽车斜置式机械变速器于1994年4月获国家专利局授于实用新型专利权,专利号:93 23 86 59·8。 汽车斜置式机械变速器,主要适用于长途客车、城市公共汽车和平头载货车中变速器
Boli basin, between Yishu fracture belt and Dunmi fracture belt, is the biggest Mesozoic coal basin in the east of Heilongjiang Province. Now it is a fault-fold
根据国际洞穴学联合会《通讯》报导 ,第十三届国际洞穴学大会将于 2 0 0 1年 7月 15- 2 2日在巴西首都巴西利亚召开。会间还包括一些特殊的活动 ,如2 0 0 1洞穴艺术、2 0 0 1