,The effect of s-wave scattering length on self-trapping and tunneling phenomena of Fermi gases in o

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nikecb
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We investigate the tunneling dynamics of the Fermi gases in an optical lattice in the Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC) regime. The three critical scattering lengths and the system energies are found in different cases of Josephson os-cillation (JO), oscillating-phase-type self-trapping (OPTST), running-phase-type self-trapping (RPTST), and self-trapping (ST). It is found that the s-wave scattering lengths have a crucial role on the tunneling dynamics. By adjusting the scattering length in the adiabatic condition, the transition probability changes with the adiabatic periodicity and a rectangular periodic patte emerges. The periodicity of the rectangular wave depends on the system parameters such as the periodicity of the adjustable parameter, the s-wave scattering length.
狗狗身上有很多比较偏门的冷知识,就算你养狗多年,可能也没有发现这其中的奥秘,更别说是真的了解狗狗的一举一动了。很多时候,估计是你误解狗狗了。  我们平常看见狗狗喝水时的样子,就像是它们在伸缩舌头,一口一口地舔水喝一样。每当这个时候我们总是不可避免地去想,与我们人类一样抱起碗来酣畅淋漓地喝水相比,狗狗这样喝水的方式,效率实在是太低了。然而,事实真的如此吗?实际上,在用高速摄像机慢放狗狗喝水的动作时,
The characteristic of group delay is analyzed based on an electronic circuit, and its time-domain nature is studied with time-domain simulation and experiment.
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