依法规范农业综合开发 夯实农业基础建设 省九届人大常委会二十三次会议开始审议《吉林省农业综合开发条例(草案)》

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如何强化农业基础建设,改善农业生产基本条件,增强农业生产能力,以保持我省农业持续、稳定、健康发展?2001年3月28日,省政府提请省人大常委会第二十三次会议审议的《吉林省农业综合开发条例(草案)》(以下简称《条例》),引起了常委会组成人员的关注。“七五”初期,由于农业基础设施薄弱,加之自然灾害频繁,全国粮食生产连续多年出现徘徊。1988年,国家建立了农业开发基金,农业综合开发由此开始。农业综合开发把中央财政资金、地方财政配套资金、银行信贷资金和农民投劳集资统筹安排,主要用于改造中低产田,发展多种经营,实施生态建设等,以提高农业综合生产能力,促进农业增产、农民增收。我省自1988年被国家确认为重点农业综合开发区以来,在农业综合开发方面先后投入资金46亿元,建设了近千个农业开发项目,取得了显著的成效。 How to strengthen agricultural infrastructure, improve the basic conditions for agricultural production and enhance agricultural production capacity in order to maintain the sustainable, stable and healthy development of agriculture in our province? On March 28, 2001, the provincial government drew the 23rd meeting of the Provincial People’s Congress The “Jilin Province Comprehensive Agricultural Development Regulations (Draft)” (hereinafter referred to as “Ordinance”), has aroused the concern of members of the Standing Committee. In the initial period of the “Seventh Five-Year Plan”, due to the weak agricultural infrastructure and the frequent natural disasters, the grain production in the entire country has been hovering for many years. In 1988, the state established an agricultural development fund, and comprehensive agricultural development started. Comprehensive agricultural development The central government funds, local financial support funds, bank credit funds and farmer labor funds to raise funds for overall planning, mainly for the transformation of low-yielding fields, the development of diversified operations, the implementation of ecological construction, in order to improve the comprehensive agricultural productivity and promote Increase in agriculture, farmers income. Since the province was recognized as a key agricultural integrated development zone by the state in 1988, the province has successively invested 4.6 billion yuan in agricultural comprehensive development and has built nearly 1,000 agricultural development projects with remarkable results.
对于“东山陆桥”的开发,我曾在两篇文章中提及,但都说得比较简单,而且有的提法也欠考虑。在这里,我想结合新的情况,具体谈谈我的看法与建议。 For the development of “Do