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致力于扶贫开发事业,既是中石油作为一家国有重要骨干企业的责任担当,又是中石油做优秀企业公民,致力于实现经济、环境和社会可持续发展的内在选择。本文以中国石油扶贫开发(2006-2015)企业社会责任专题报告为依据,试图通过对中石油2006-2015年度扶贫开发工作的真实反映,帮助我们了解其扶贫理念与扶贫模式,以期为其他企业从事扶贫开发工作提供思路和方法上的借鉴。 Dedicated to the cause of poverty alleviation and development, it is both a responsibility of CNPC as a state-owned key backbone enterprise and an inherent choice of CNPC as a good corporate citizen and a commitment to achieving sustainable economic, environmental and social development. Based on the CSR report of China Petroleum Poverty Alleviation and Development (2006-2015), this article attempts to help us to understand its poverty alleviation concept and poverty alleviation model through the true reflection of PetroChina’s poverty alleviation and development work in 2006-2015 so as to help other enterprises in poverty alleviation Development work to provide ideas and methods of reference.
1.墙上有个洞曼迪和玛丽在小镇上的同一所中学读书,两家共同租住在一所房子里。玛丽很小就没有了爸爸,和妈妈相依为命,日子过得很拮据。 1. There’s a hole in the wall Ma
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由于中小学安全教育的流于形式,意外事故成为中小学生的首要死 因。面对“花朵”的意外凋零,人们开始对实施多年的中小学安全教育 的实效进行反思。 Due to the formalities
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.