
来源 :植物生态学与地植物学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cdelphi
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研究表明,扁秆藨草生育节律明显,有性繁殖对季节要求严,无性繁殖对季节要求宽,在“半遮光”条件下不能抽穗结实,无性繁殖受到抑制。扁秆藨草的阶段发育与叶龄相关显著,用主茎叶龄预测再生苗的线性回归方程式:(?)_α=-36.74+6.24x(1983)和(?)_α=-32.42+6.28x(1984年);预测块茎发生量的线性回归方程式:(?)_t=-67.97+10.12x(1983年)和(?)_t=-33.91+80.4x(1984年)。机械和人工除草可抑制块茎的形成和阻止抽穗结实,但能促进再生苗的蔓延。大田防治必须在扁秆藨草块茎形成之前用药,并做到株株受药,才能起到“斩草除根”的作用。扁秆藨草的发生分布与耕作栽培制度关系密切,实生苗萌发迟而集中,再生苗萌发早而分散,是防除的主要对象。实验表明,只有运用农业、生物、化学等综合防治手段,才能有效地控制扁秆藨草的为害。 Studies have shown that the flat rickety birth rhythm obvious, sexual reproduction of the season demanding, asexual reproduction of the season wide, under the conditions of “semi-shading” can not be erect, clonal reproduction is inhibited. The linear regression equation for the prediction of regenerated shoots was based on the main stems and leaf ages: (?) _ Α = -36.74 + 6.24x (1983) and (?) _ Α = -32.42 + 6.28x (1984); Linear regression equation for predicting tuber yield: (?) _t = -67.97 + 10.12x (1983) and (?) _t = -33.91 + 80.4x (1984). Mechanical and artificial weeding can inhibit the formation of tubers and prevent the heading of strong, but can promote the spread of regenerative plants. Field prevention and control must be flat tuberous tubers before the formation of medication, and strains of plants to do, in order to play the role of “cut grass and remove roots.” The occurrence and distribution of flat stalk hay are closely related to the cultivation and cultivation system. The germination of seedlings is delayed and concentrated, and the early germination of regenerated seedlings disperses, which is the main target of control. Experiments show that only through the use of agriculture, biology, chemistry and other integrated control measures, we can effectively control the flat barb grass damage.
从安徽省舒城、临泉、全椒、铜陵和桐城等县取得十个分离菌,以南京农大提供的姜瘟茵(Pseudomonas solanacearum,ZO 12)菌株为对照,进行致病性、生理生化试验和血清学测验,鉴
今春大兴安岭北部天然林区发生的特大森林火灾,引起了中外极大的关注和震惊,过火面积之大,损失之惨重,是我国建国近四十年来前所未有,在国外也属罕见。 笔者曾两次去火灾区(
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阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必
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造血干细胞的粘附和趋化是归巢过程中的重要环节。该过程的调节非常复杂。基质细胞来源因子 1 (SDF 1 )可能起着重要的作用。该因子对多种细胞均具有趋化作用。对其作用机制