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新闻界有一句名言:“活鱼总是在最基层”。群众是新闻信息的接受者和消费主体,新闻来源于广大人民群众丰富的生产和生活实践,又要回到群众中间接受检验。让群众成为媒体的主角,用镜头、笔触来充分表达和反映群众的呼声和情感诉求,让群众在第一时间了解新闻事件的真相,科学引导大众舆论,传递社会正能量,是新时期新闻工作者应当承担的光荣任务和应尽职责。 The press has a famous saying: “Live fish is always at the grassroots level.” The masses are the recipients and consumers of news and information. The news comes from the rich production and living practices of the broad masses of the people, and it also needs to be returned to the masses to be tested. Let the masses become the protagonists of the media, fully express and reflect the voices and emotions demands of the masses by means of camera and brush strokes, let the masses know the truth of the news events as soon as possible, scientifically guide the mass media and transmit the positive energy of the society, which is the news work in the new era Should undertake the glorious task and due diligence.
The study aimed to optimize the induction and differentiation medium by exploreing different tissue culture of Saposhnikovia divaricata (Turcz.) Schischk. In ti