
来源 :建设机械技术与管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mars1998
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中共中央政治局委员、中国社会科学院院长李铁映 :“前车之鉴 ,后人之师。”三线建设时期 ,国家在西部地区投入上千亿元的资金 ,奠定了西部工业化的基础。但同时也带来了许多问题 ,如投资效益不高、资源浪费严重、土地沙化和水土流失加剧等。因此 ,西部开发要认真总结历史的经 Li Tieying, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said: "In the third phase of construction, the state invested over 100 billion yuan in the western region and laid the foundation for industrialization in the west. However, it also brought many problems at the same time, such as low investment returns, serious waste of resources, aggravated land desertification and soil erosion. Therefore, the development of the western region should conscientiously sum up history
Zeng Chengdong belongs to those who have a lust of adventure. One of his adventures is to explore the world on foot, from which he has found great interest. He
青霉素是治疗上呼吸道感染和急性中耳炎(AOM)的首选药物,现今用量一般为25mg/kg,每日两次,疗程10天。以往曾发现用青霉素V治疗A0M 10天疗程时,中耳渗出液中青霉素的浓度在用
国际泳联主席当选国际奥委会委员 今年6月18日,在匈牙利首都布达佩斯举行的国际奥委会104次代表大会上,国际泳联主席穆斯塔法·拉法乌伊当选为国际奥委会委员。 国际泳联认
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