Atypical Occlusion Process Caused by the Merger of a Sea-breeze Front and Gust Front

来源 :Advances in Atmospheric Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fhdfhdfrtr
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An atypical occlusion process that occurred in North China on 14 July 2011 is studied based on both observations and a real-data Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model simulation. The results show that this atypical occlusion process was significantly different from the traditional,synoptic-scale occlusion process that occurs within extratropical cyclones. It was caused by the merger of two cold-type mesoscale fronts. One of the fronts developed from the gust front of convective storms,while the other was a sea-breeze front. As the two fronts moved towards each other,the warm air between them was squeezed and separated from the surface. An atypical occluded front was formed when the two fronts merged,with the warm air forced aloft. This kind of occlusion is termed a “merger” process,different from the well-known “catch-up”and “wrap-up” processes. Moreover,local convection was found to be enhanced during the merger process,with severe convective weather produced in the merger area. An atypical occlusion process that occurred in North China on 14 July 2011 is studied based on both observations and a real-data Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model simulation. The results show that this atypical occlusion process was significantly different from the traditional, synoptic -scale occlusion process that causing within extratropical cyclones. It was caused by the merger of two cold-type mesoscale fronts. One of the fronts developed from the gust front of convective storms, while the other was a sea-breeze front. As the two fronts moved towards each other, the warm air between them was squeezed and separated from the surface. An atypical occluded front was formed when the two fronts merged, with the warm air forced aloft. This kind of occlusion is termed a “merger” process, different from the well-known “catch-up ” and “wrap-up ” processes. Moreover, local convection was found to be enhanced during the merger process, with severe convective weather produced in the merger area.
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本文利用助剂焙烧制取绢云母矿钾肥。以化肥作参比 ,进行了绢云母矿钾肥对玉米和水稻的肥效试验 ,结果表明 ,在同等施钾水平下 ,施用该矿钾肥比施用氯化钾更能提高作物的吸钾