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中国和日本同属汉字文化圈,存在着大量的中日同形词。它对于中国的日语学习者和日本的汉语学习者来说,有助于理解语言的同时,也因受母语影响而带来不便。笔者以二字形容动词为研究对象,从词性角度出发,对如何正确、高效地学习中日同形词进行分类研究。一、词性关于形容动词的先行研究,大多集中在概念意义(词义)方面,关于周边意义的对比研究,如词性、感情色彩、接续等方面的并不多。且形容动词因其自身的多义性、差 Both China and Japan belong to the Chinese cultural circle, and there are a large number of Chinese and Japanese homographs. For Japanese learners in China and Japanese learners in Japan, it helps to understand the language as well as inconvenience caused by the influence of the mother tongue. The author takes the word-shaped verb as the research object, and from the aspect of part-of-speech, it studies how to study the Chinese-Japanese homograph correctly and efficiently. First, part of the speech About the first study of the verb, mostly focused on the concept of meaning (meaning), the comparative study of the surrounding meaning, such as part of speech, emotional color, continuity, etc. are not many. And describe the verb because of its own ambiguity, poor
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