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珠海经济特区应选择怎么样的战略目标?笔者认为,珠海经济特区应选择具有特色的、以工业为主、相应发展第一、三产业的综合性外向型经济作为发展的战略目标.一、珠海经济特区的战略地位与现状珠海经济特区位于珠江口外,面临南海,东邻香港,南与澳门接壤,背靠广大内地,特别是以珠海市和富饶的珠江三角洲为依托,决定了它本身的经济地位具有特殊的优势.第一,它毗邻港澳,是联系内地与港澳的重要进出口岸,可以充分利用香港来发展自己的经济、技术、信息,以香港、澳门作为打向新的世界经济发展中心——西太平洋环形地带的桥梁.这是除深圳外,任何国内的开放城市都不具备的优势.第二,享有特区优惠政策,并经过几年的发展,已有初步规模的投资环境,有利于进一步引进外资、先进技术、知识和科学管理.第三,它具有优美的自然环境和附近有较为丰富的建材资源,有广阔的海面、滩涂等,可利用来发展富有特色的行业和拳头产品,以利于为重点发展特区工业服务.第四,它是我国著名侨乡之一,可以对外吸引更多的资金和先进技术,以加快特区的建设. Zhuhai Special Economic Zone should choose what kind of strategic objectives? I believe that Zhuhai Special Economic Zone should choose a unique, industry-based, the corresponding development of the first and the three industries of a comprehensive export-oriented economy as a strategic goal of development. The Strategic Position and Current Situation of the Special Economic Zones Zhuhai Special Economic Zone is located in the Pearl River Estuary, facing the South China Sea, bordering Hong Kong to its east, bordering on the south and Maucao, and backing the vast hinterland. Zhuhai Special Economic Zone, in particular, relies on the rich Pearl River Delta and determines its own economy First of all, it is adjacent to Hong Kong and Maucao and it is an important port of entry and exit linking the Mainland with Hong Kong and Maucao. Hong Kong can make full use of its economy, technology and information and take Hong Kong and Maucao as new centers for world economic development - the bridge of the Western Pacific Rim, which is an advantage not available to any domestic open city except Shenzhen. Second, enjoying preferential policies for the SEZ and a few years of development, there has been an initial scale investment environment with Conducive to the further introduction of foreign investment, advanced technology, knowledge and scientific management.Third, it has a beautiful natural environment and is relatively abundant Of the building materials resources, a vast sea, beach, etc., can be used to develop distinctive industries and high-quality products to help focus on the development of the SAR industrial services. Fourth, it is one of China’s famous hometown of overseas Chinese, you can attract more foreign Funds and advanced technology to speed up the construction of the SAR.
(三) 怎样扭转这人文生态的恶性循环呢? 第一,思想上要解决点问题。企业的领导人一定要认识不从“大而全”和封闭模式中解放出来,不开放就不能生存、不能发展。要开放就要有
本文对建国以来河南人口迁移类型、方向、规模与分布,人口迁移工作中的经验与教训等问题进行了初步分析,对合理布局人口和国民经济建设有一定的指导意义. This article make
1 这就是我要采访的闻名于全州和全省的农垦企业家,被推荐为全国农业劳模、场长兼党委书记的熊正仁吗? 此刻,他就坐在我的对面。他红黑的脸庞带着微笑,样子敦厚和霭,那壮实