Effect of Texture on Deep-Drawing Property of Air-Condition Aluminium 1050H19 Foils

来源 :材料热处理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ztlzp
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The textures induced by deformation processes of different crafts in air-condition used aluminium 1050H19 foils were measured by using X-ray goniometer. Combining with TEM analysis, effect of texture on deep-drawing property was discussed. It is show that deformation textures in the specimens, on which four types of rolling-crafts are carried out respectively, are all typical Cu components, and recrystallized R-, Cube-texture don’t exist. Cu-texture is still the predominant component with different orientation density according to different rolling-craft. To specimens which are prone to cracking, their orientation densities of Cu-textures are higher, their textures are stronger and they contain P- and Goss-texture, which are harder to be deformed. The analyses indicat that with the decrease in the rate of reduction/rolling-time and the execution of intermediate holding, textures that are harder to be deformed are eliminated and orientation density of Cu-texture is weakened. Thus, deep-drawing property of aluminium foils is improved. The textures induced by deformation processes of different crafts in air-condition used aluminum 1050H19 foils were measured by using X-ray goniometer. Combining with TEM analysis, effect of texture on deep-drawing property was discussed. It is show that deformation textures in the specimens, of which four types of rolling-crafts are carried out respectively, are all typical of Cu components, and recrystallized R-, Cube-texture do not exist. Cu-texture is still the predominant component with different orientation density according to different rolling -craft. To specimens which are prone to cracking, their orientation densities of Cu-textures are higher, their textures are stronger and they contain P- and Goss-texture, which are harder to be deformed. The analyzes indicat that with the decrease in the rate of reduction / rolling-time and the execution of intermediate holding, textures that are harder to be deformed are eliminated and orientation density of Cu-texture is weakened. Thus, deep- drawing property of aluminum foils is improved.
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【摘要】本文分析了当前初中物理教学课堂提问中存在的问题。为了对学生产生启发,本文提出了三种解决方案,它们分别是进行比较式提问、进行发散式提问、进行讨论式提问,这对锻炼学生思维能力、巩固学生所学的知识具有重要的意义。  【关键词】初中 物理 教学 提问  【中图分类号】G633.7【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)41-0164-01  1.初中物理教学课堂提问的问题  物