
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hehe521_
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Context: Abundant evidence links overweight and obesity with impaired health. However, controversies persist as to whether overweight and obesity have additional impact on cardiovascular outcomes independent of their strong associations with established coronary risk factors, eg, high blood pressure and high cholesterol level. Objective: To assess the relation of midlife body mass index with morbidity and mortality outcomes in older age among individuals without and with other major risk factors at baseline. Design: Chicago Heart Association Detection Project in Industry study, a prospective study with baseline(1967- 1973) cardiovascular risk classified as low risk(blood pressure ≤ 120/≤ 80 mm Hg, serum total cholesterol level < 200 mg/dL[5.2 mmol/L], and not currently smoking); moderate risk(nonsmoking and systolic blood pressure 121- 139 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure 81- 89 mm Hg, and/or total cholesterol level 200- 239 mg/dL[5.2- 6.2 mmol/L]); or having any 1, any 2, or all 3 of the following risk factors: blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mm Hg, total cholesterol level ≥ 240 mg/dL(6.2 mmol/L), and current cigarette smoking. Body mass index was classified as normal weight(18.5- 24.9), overweight(25.0- 29.9), or obese(≥ 30). Mean follow-up was 32 years. Setting and Participants: Participants were 17 643 men and women aged 31 through 64 years, recruited from Chicago-area companies or organizations and free of coronary heart disease(CHD), diabetes, or major electrocardiographic abnormalities at baseline. Main Outcome Measures: Hospitalization and mortality from CHD, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes, beginning at age 65 years. Results: In multivariable analyses that included adjustment for systolic blood pressure and total cholesterol level, the odds ratio(95% confidence interval) for CHD death for obese participants compared with those of normal weight in the same risk category was 1.43(0.33- 6.25) for low risk and 2.07(1.29- 3.31) for moderate risk; for CHD hospitalization, the corresponding results were 4.25(1.57- 11.5) for low risk and 2.04(1.29- 3.24) for moderate risk. Results were similar for other risk groups and for cardiovascular disease, but stronger for diabetes(eg, low risk: 11.0[2.21- 54.5] for mortality and 7.84[3.95- 15.6] for hospitalization). Conclusion: For individuals with no cardiovascular risk factors as well as for those with 1 or more risk factors, those who are obese in middle age have a higher risk of hospitalization and mortality from CHD, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes in older age than those who are normal weight. Context: Abundant evidence links overweight and obesity with impaired health. However, controversies persist as to whether overweight and obesity have additional impact on cardiovascular outcomes independent of their strong associations with established coronary risk factors, eg, high blood pressure and high cholesterol level. Objective To assess the relation of midlife body mass index with morbidity and mortality outcomes in older age among individuals without and with other major risk factors at baseline. Design: Chicago Heart Association Detection Project in Industry study, a prospective study with baseline (1967- 1973 ) cardiovascular risk classified as low risk (blood pressure ≤ 120 / ≤ 80 mm Hg, serum total cholesterol level <200 mg / dL [5.2 mmol / L], and not currently smoking); moderate risk (nonsmoking and systolic blood pressure 121- 139 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure 81-89 mm Hg, and / or total cholesterol level 200- 239 mg / dL [5.2-6.2 mmol / L]); or having any 1, any 2, or all 3 of the following risk factors: blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mm Hg, total cholesterol level ≥ 240 mg / dL (6.2 mmol / L), and current cigarette smoking. Body mass index was classified as normal weight (18.5-24.9), overweight Mean follow-up was 32 years. Setting and Participants: Participants were 17 643 men and women aged 31 through 64 years, recruited from Chicago-area companies or organizations and free of coronary (25.0- 29.9), or obese heart disease (CHD), diabetes, or major electrocardiographic abnormalities at baseline. Main Outcome Measures: Hospitalization and mortality from CHD, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes, beginning at age 65 years. Results: In multivariable analyzes that included adjustment for systolic blood pressure and total cholesterol level, the odds ratio (95% confidence interval) for CHD death for obese participants compared with those of normal weight in the same risk category was 1.43 (0.33- 6.25) for low risk and 2.07 (1.29- 3.31) for moderate risk ; for CHD ho spitalizatResults were similar for other risk groups and for cardiovascular disease, but stronger for diabetes (eg, low risk: 11.0 [ 2.21- 54.5] for mortality and 7.84 [3.95- 15.6] for hospitalization). Conclusion: For individuals with no cardiovascular risk factors as well as for as with 1 or more risk factors, those who are obese in middle age have a higher risk of hospitalization and mortality from CHD, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes in older age than those who who normal weight.
端午与蟾蜍,缘分颇深。在古代,蟾蜍和蜈蚣、蛇、蝎、蜥蜴共属“五毒”。清代宫中端午节的大戏《阐道除邪》,就收有张天师制服蛤蟆精的故事。故事中的蛤蟆精,就是蟾蜍。而民间直到今天,仍有端午取蟾酥的习俗。 说到端午与蟾蜍,不妨先讲一段发生在日本的故事,这故事发生在日本天养元年(纪元1144年)五月五日,在京都:  “看不见”!日本式的庭院中,一位武士着装的青年男子,头顶一块颜色古怪的布,站在烈日下喊着。
新疆一师阿拉尔市妇女儿童工作委员会办公室主办的“我的绿色发现”亲子实践活动于2013年1月16日启动。  活动期间,妇联和学校少先队大队相互配合,为少年儿童讲解低碳环保知识,通过孩子们喜闻乐见的亲子游戏和互动体验,让他们发现身边的低碳小创意、小妙招以及绿色环保典型人物。引导孩子们观察生活中不符合环保理念的现象,提出切实可行的解决方案,设计制作低碳环保小物件。  一师四团中学“我的绿色发现”亲子实践