Faithfulness and Similarity in Spirit ― An Appreciation of Liu Shicong's English Translation Wi

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As a modern famous translator,Liu Shicong believes that literary translation should be faithful to the content of the original text and more importantly,it should convey its artistic effect,which includes the style,spirit and verve of the original text,namely transmitting the spirit of the original text.Based upon this translation principle,the paper aims to analyze and compare his English translation Wild Grass with the source text written by Xia Yan in the aspects of being faithful to the original text and transmitting the verve of the original text,thus proving that the principles for prose translation initiated by Liu Shicong are applicable and effective. As a modern famous translator, Liu Shicong believes that literary translation should be faithful to the content of the original text and more importantly, it should convey its artistic effect, which includes the style, spirit and verve of the original text, assuming transmitting the spirit of the original text. Based upon this translation principle, the paper aims to analyze and compare his English translation Wild Grass with the source text written by Xia Yan in the aspects of being faithful to the original text and transmitting the verve of the original text, Thus proving that the principles prosecute translation initiated by Liu Shicong are applicable and effective.
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