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胡启能,重庆市农资公司总经理(正处级),现年56岁,大专文化程度,中共党员,原重庆市第一届“人大代表,全国“五一”劳动奖章获得者,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。1991年11月15日因涉嫌严重经济犯罪问题被重庆市纪委“双规”:同年12月1日移送重庆市人民检察一分院查处。2002年11月28日报经重庆市人大常委会批准,对胡启能立案侦查。2001年4月13日,全案侦查终结。2001年9月6日、重庆市检察院第—分院将胡启能涉嫌受贿、贪污案向重庆市第一中级人民法提起公诉。同年11月30日,第一中级人民法院以胡启能受贿1243万元(含美元8.24万元)、贪污30万元一审判处其死刑。其女胡雪梅因为其父窝藏赃物179万元,被法院以窝赃罪判处有期徒刑2年,并处罚金10万元。当审判长将长在42页的判决书念到判处胡启能死刑、剥夺政治权利终身的时候,全场响起了热烈的掌声。这是重庆市实施新刑法以来,首例以被告人“零口供”定受贿罪贪污罪并科以死刑的案件。 Hu Qilng, general manager of Chongqing Agricultural Materials Company (now at the level), 56 years old, college education, Communist Party members, the former Chongqing Municipal People’s Congress, National May 1 Labor Medal, enjoy the special government of the State Council On November 15, 1991 on suspicion of serious economic crimes by the Chongqing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection “double regulation”: the same year on December 1 transferred to the Chongqing Municipal People’s Procuratorate Branch investigated and dealt with. On November 28, 2002 reported by the Chongqing Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee approved, On April 13, 2001, the investigation of the entire case ended on September 13, 2001. On September 6, 2001, the No. Branch Branch of the Procuratorate of Chongqing Municipality filed a public prosecution against the First Intermediate People’s Law of Chongqing Municipality in the case of suspected bribery and corruption. In the same year, 11 On January 30, the First Intermediate People’s Court sentenced Hu Kai-meng to 12.42 million yuan (including 82,400 yuan of U.S. dollars) for corruption and 300,000 yuan for first instance and sentenced him to death in the first instance. The woman Hu Xuemei was sentenced by the court to littering because her father was harboring 1.79 million yuan of stolen goods Was sentenced to two years imprisonment and fined 100,000 yuan when the presiding judge will be sentenced to 42 long sentences in sentence to Hu death, deprivation of political rights for life, the audience sounded applause, which is the city of Chongqing Since the application of the new penal code, the first case of the defendant “Confession” given the crime of embezzlement and bribery Branch to the death penalty cases.
被害人在被绑匪放了几天后方才报案,报案后又立刻消失…… 警方高度重视,迅速抓获了全部绑匪,经连夜突审,方知被害人竟也是“社会”中人—— Just a few days after the vic
一份假病历,最终导致一个人无辜被判坐牢6年,在事实真相大白天下之后,谁该为这起错案负责? A fake medical records, which eventually led to an innocent person jailed f