
来源 :特区经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiyideta21
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进入90年代,特区面临着三个方面的严峻挑战:一是面对国际市场激烈竞争的挑战:二是国内浦东等新开放区的崛起向特区提出的挑战:三是1997年香港回归向特区提出的挑战。新的形势,新的挑战,要求特区加快深化改革和对外开放的步伐,充分利用毗邻香港的地理优势,继续发挥在全国改革开放中的排头兵作用,把特区建设成能够按国际惯例运作的新体制地区。这种新体制的最主要特征,就是特区经济能按国际惯例运行,特区能更直接地参与国际分工、合作和竞争,与国际市场联为一体,成为国际市场的一个组成部分。这种新体制的根本目标,是要把特区办成多功能、综合性的现代化国际城市,使深圳特区率先成为比较发达和更加开放的自由经济区。为了实现上述新体制目标,特区必须从以下几个方面深化改革: 一、建立和完善政府宏观调控下的市场经济体制为了进一步完善政府宏观调控下的市场经济体制,使特区经济更能适应国际市场竞争的要求,更符合国际惯例,需要抓好完善市场体系和深化企业改革两个基本环节: 1、建立统一、开放和竞争性的现代化市场体系。为此,必须进一步培育和完善特区的市场体系,包括生产资料市场、金融市场、劳动力市场、技术市场、信息市场,以及房地产市 In the 90s, the SAR faced three major challenges: First, the challenge of fierce competition in the international market; Second, the challenges posed to the SAR by the rise of new Pudong and other open areas: Third, the return of Hong Kong to the SAR in 1997 The challenge The new situation and new challenges require the SEZs to speed up the pace of deepening reform and opening up to the outside world, make full use of the geographical advantages of neighboring Hong Kong, continue to play the vanguard role in the country’s reform and opening up and build the SAR into a new system capable of operating in line with international practice area. The most important feature of this new system is that the economy of the SAR can operate in accordance with international practice. The SAR can participate more directly in the international division of labor, cooperation and competition and become one of the components of the international market with the international market. The fundamental goal of this new system is to make the SAR a multi-functional and comprehensive modern international city, so that the Shenzhen Special Administrative Region takes the lead in becoming a relatively developed and more liberal free economic zone. In order to achieve the above objectives of the new system, the SAR must deepen the reform in the following aspects: I. Establishing and Improving the Market Economic System under the Government’s Macro-control In order to further improve the market economy under the government’s macro-economic control, it is necessary to make the economy of the SAR more adaptable to the international market The requirements of competition are more in line with international practice. We need to do a good job in improving the market system and deepening the reform of the enterprise in two basic aspects: 1. Establishing a unified, open and competitive modern market system. To this end, we must further cultivate and improve the SEZs market system, including the means of production, the financial markets, the labor market, the technology market, the information market, and the real estate market
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黄蓉和小龙女是金庸笔下两个典型的美女,一个聪慧机灵,一个清新脱俗。两人的爱情也充满了浪漫和传奇的色彩。  黄蓉找了郭靖,小龙女找了杨过。郭靖淳朴,杨过精明。在这两段爱情(婚姻)关系中,聪明人和笨人的搭配,一攻一守,守者占了上风。  黄蓉从小没安全感,母亲难产而死,父亲黄药师五行八卦、奇门遁甲、琴棋书画,甚至农田水利、经济兵略等亦无一不晓,无一不精,也愤世嫉俗、性情孤僻、隐身遁外,更像她的朋友。  
8月14日至18日陕西省老区建设促进会第三次会长座谈会在陕北著名革命老区榆林召开。陕西省省长贾治邦发来贺信。陕西省政协主席、省老促会名誉会长艾丕善到会。陕西省老 Fr