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江泽民同志在关于《正确处理社会主义现代化建设中的若干重大关系》的讲话中指出,“对于东部地区与中西部地区经济发展中出现的差距扩大问题,必须认真对待,正确处理”,要“逐步加大解决地区差距继续扩大趋势的力度,积极朝着缩小差距的方向努力”。这一重要讲话,为把东西经济协调发展作为解决我国东部地区与中西部地区差距继续扩大问题的一条重要途径,指明了方问。作为行业主管部门、行业协会和行业性集团公司,应从缩小我国东西差距的整体要求出发,把全行业的协调发展与东西部经济的协调发展有机地结合起来,找出二者的契合点,为我国国民经济的健康发展作出应有的贡献。 Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out in his speech on “Some Major Relations in Correctly Handling Socialist Modernization Construction”: “For the issue of expanding gaps in the economic development of the eastern and central and western regions, we must take it seriously and deal with it properly.” We will increase our efforts to resolve regional disparities and continue to expand the trend. We will work hard to narrow the gap." This important speech pointed out Fang Q in order to use the coordinated development of the East and West as an important way to solve the problem of the continued widening of the gap between the eastern region and the central and western regions of China. As industry authorities, industry associations, and industry group companies, we should proceed from the overall requirement of reducing the gap between the east and the west in China, and organically combine the coordinated development of the entire industry with the coordinated development of the eastern and western economies to find out the point of convergence. We will make due contributions to the healthy development of our national economy.
江南水乡,太湖之滨。 在这片神奇的土地上,改革的浪潮汹涌澎湃,生机盎然。 号称“锡北第一村”的张缪舍村,群星争辉。近年来,这里又升起了一颗璀璨的新星——江苏元亨集团。
“恒源祥”牌、“小囡牌”纯羊毛绒线获’95全国畅销国产商品“金桥奖”,这是该公司参加“金桥奖”评比以来,连续两届捧回“金桥奖”。 由国内贸易部、国家经贸委、电子工业
在全国纺织行业步履维艰的今天,上海恒泰纺织品有限公司却显露出勃勃向上的生机。今年上半年,企业创利比1995年同期上升了37.9%。 什么原因使“恒泰”能在纺织调整时期,继续
为推动名牌战略的实施,促进陕西服装业的发展,省服装行业协会等单位举办了’95陕西名牌服装、精品服装评选推荐活动。 经评审,荣获陕西省名 In order to promote the imple
本文拟探讨福建省轻纺企业在市场经济条件下,如何加快企业技术开发步伐的途径,采取有力措施,使企业技术开发上水平、上规模,以增强企业市场竞争能力。 This article intends