RFQ Cooler and Buncher

来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zpbaqq1314
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The study of nuclides far from the valley of stability in recent years, with various spectroscopic methods, sets new demands for the handling of the ion beams. A relative old technique that was first proved to be feasible by Paul and his coworkers has been revived by using electromagnetic fields to prevent the low energy ions from losing in the gas. In the past few years, emittance improvement of low-energy radioactive ion beams has gained a lot of interest and several devices for an emittance improver and buncher have been constructed. The study of nuclides far from the valley of stability in recent years, with various spectroscopic methods, sets new demands for the handling of the ion beams. A relative old technique that was first proved to be feasible by Paul and his coworkers has been revived by using electromagnetic fields to prevent the low energy ions from losing in the gas. In the past few years, emittance improvement of low-energy radioactive ion beams has gained a lot of interest and several devices for an emittance improver and buncher have been constructed.
1 《Journal of Beijing Electronic Science and Technology Institute》, Vol.11, 20031) Chaotic cryptography based on feistel structure, No. 1, p. 13. Zhao Geng (
1月 1月6日 总装备部李安东副部长来我院视察。陪同来院的还有总装备部科技委委员钱绍钧院士、总装备部综合计划部部长阮朝阳、军兵总部副部长丛日刚、电子信息部副部长
The technology of radiation imaging plays an important role in the area of no-bug diagnosis. Theprinciple is that the absorbed dose amount is different when ra
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