
来源 :歌曲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:owenyhz
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由中国石油天然气总公司多种经营局和中国石油音乐舞蹈协会联合主办,河南石油勘探局承办的全国石油多种经营产品交易暨“三元杯”厂长(经理)卡拉 OK邀请赛,于一九九五年十一月廿日——廿二日,在河南油田文体中心举行。这次活动采取“文化搭台、经济唱戏”的形式,企业家们通过交流、洽谈、商量、卡拉 OK 比赛等各种联谊活动。91名厂长、经理,以歌会友,一展歌喉。经过三天紧张激烈的比赛,河南油田三元期货外联部经理候燕、河南油田三元仪表厂副厂长邱雅洲双双夺魁荣获一等奖;大庆油田采油九厂印刷厂副厂长武侠、江苏油田豪音矿泉水厂副厂长陈玉东、河南油田三元地毯总厂厂长赵伟分别荣获二等奖;阿依古丽·艾山等四人获三等奖;胡如新、王艺舞等10人获优秀歌手奖;大庆油田等 By the China National Petroleum Corporation diversified business and the China Petroleum Music and Dance Association co-hosted by the Henan Petroleum Exploration Bureau contractors of the national oil diversified products trading cum “Sanyuanbei ” director (manager) Kara OK Invitational at From November 20 to November 22, 1995 at the Henan Oilfield Cultural and Sports Center. The event took the form of “cultural building, economic singing”, and entrepreneurs conducted various social activities through exchanges, negotiations, discussions and karaoke competitions. 91 factory manager, manager, singing friends, singing. After three days of intense competition, Henan Oilfield ternary Futures Outsourcing Manager Hou Yan, vice president of Henan Oilfield Sanyuan Instrument Factory Qiu Yazhou both won the first prize winner; Daqing Oilfield nine printing plant deputy director Wu Xia, Jiangsu Chen Yudong, deputy director of oilfield Hao Yin mineral water plant, Zhao Wei, president of Henan Oilfield ternary carpet factory won the second prize; Ayi Guli Ai Shan and other four won the third prize; Hu Ruxin, Wang Yi dance 10 Won the best singer award; Daqing Oilfield and so on
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人才放错r地办就是垃圾。一个人走向社会,开始自己事业时,至少要问自己四个重要问题。 Personnel put wrong r to do is rubbish. When a person goes to society and start
工作,甭管它是体力或者脑力或者兼而有之,是自食其力、养家活口的惟一正当途径;是周而复始,直到男55女50歇菜。是人这一辈子不得已而为之和不得不为之的不可抗拒的无奈。 Wo
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