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在改革开放和现代化建设步伐不断加快的新形势下,作为地方党委机关报,如何确立宣传目标和重心?如何在两个文明建设的宣传中办出“地方特色”?实践使我们感到,要做到这点,关键是:围绕觉委工作中心,确立报纸宣传重心。郑州晚报是中共郑州市委的机关报,报社党委始终把积极配合市委、市政府各个时期的工作中心,作为报纸宣传报道重心。去年邓小平同志南巡重要谈话以后,作为内陆开放城市的郑州怎么利用自己的优势,加快改革开放和经济建设步伐?市委、市政府确 Under the new situation of accelerating reform and opening up and the pace of modernization, how can we establish the propaganda goal and center of gravity as the organ of local Party committees? How to create “local characteristics” in the propaganda of the two civilizations? Practices make us feel that we must do At this point, the key is: Focusing on the work center of the Consultative Committee and establishing the focus of the newspaper publicity. Zhengzhou Evening News is the organ of the Communist Party of China Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee, the newspaper party has always actively cooperate with the municipal government work centers in various periods, as a newspaper publicity center. After Comrade Deng Xiaoping made an important talk on the southern tour of last year, how can Zhengzhou, as an inland open city, make use of its own advantages and speed up the pace of reform, opening up and economic construction?
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