江苏是经济、科技、文化大省,同时也 是接收安置军转干部的大省,每年的接收量 均居全国第二位,尤其是2004年,全省共接 收安置5942名转业干部,超过正常年份的一 倍以上,其中,正师职干部13名,副师职干 部49名,团职干部1171名,营以下及技术 干部4709名。针对接收量多,职级高的多, 地方吸纳能力小的实际,全省上下积极行动, 军地之间相互配合,整个安置工作进展顺利, 保持了较好的安置水平。在安置去向上,到 党政机关的占80.6%,事业单位的占17.6%, 企业的占1.8%,在职务安排上,师职干部和
Jiangsu is a major province in economy, science and technology, as well as a major province that receives resettlement military cadres. Its annual reception volume ranks second in the country. In 2004, in particular, Jiangsu received 5942 resettled cadres, exceeding the normal year More than doubled, of which 13 were serving as ministerial-level cadres, 49 were deputy-level cadres, 1171 cadres at the regiment level, and under the battalion there were 4,709 technical cadres. In view of the fact that the receiving volume is high, the rank is high, and the local absorptive capacity is small, the whole province takes positive actions from top to bottom and the military forces cooperate with each other. The entire resettlement work is proceeding smoothly and a better resettlement level is maintained. In the resettlement up to 80.6% of party and government organs, institutions accounted for 17.6%, enterprises accounted for 1.8%, in the job arrangement, the division of cadres and