Expression of COX-2, PCNA, Ki-67 and p53 in gastrointestinal stromal tumors and its relationship wit

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:felltwo23
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AIM: To investigate the expression of Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), Ki-67 and p53 in gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) and its relationship with histopathological parameters. METHODS: Twenty-five GISTs were examined by light microscopy and immunohistochemistry. c-kit, CD34, SMA, S-100 protein, COX-2, PCNA, Ki-67 and p53 were detected immunohistochemically and the relationship was evaluated among histopathologic parameters such as mitotic index (MI), tumor grade, tumor size, COX-2, PCNA, Ki-67 and p53. RESULTS: COX-2 protein expression was found in 19 of 25 (76%) of the tumors, and expression was noted in the cytoplasm of the tumor cells. p53 was significantly related to MI and tumor grade but no relationship was found between COX-2, proliferation markers and MI, tumor grade and tumor size. CONCLUSION: COX-2 is expressed in most GISTs and it may play an important role in the proliferation and progression of these tumors or a useful marker to identify GIST. Although immunohistochemical assessment of p53 can be used for distinguishing the risk groups of GISTs, tumor size and mitotic rate should be considered at the same time. A investigate the expression of Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), Ki-67 and p53 in gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) and its relationship with histopathological parameters. METHODS: Twenty-five GISTs were examined by light microscopy and immunohistochemistry. c-kit, CD34, SMA, S-100 protein, COX-2, PCNA, Ki-67 and p53 were detected immunohistochemically and the relationship was evaluated among histopathological parameters such as mitotic index tumor grade, tumor size, COX-2, PCNA, Ki-67 and p53. RESULTS: COX-2 protein expression was found in 19 of 25 (76%) of the tumors, and expression was noted in the cytoplasm of the tumor cells . p53 was significantly related to MI and tumor grade but no relationship was found between COX-2, proliferation markers and MI, tumor grade and tumor size. CONCLUSION: COX-2 is expressed in most GISTs and it may play an important role in the proliferation and progression of these tumors or a useful marker to identify GIST. Although immunohistochemical assessment of p53 can be used for distinguishing the risk groups of GISTs, tumor size and mitotic rate should be considered at the same time.
一天半夜,正在熟睡的我被一阵剧烈的撞门声和狗的狂吠声吵醒。睡眼惺忪的我披衣下床,打开门,一只棕黄色的大狗咬着我的裤管就向外拖,这是邻居刘奶奶家的狗大黄,刘奶奶已孀居多年。大黄把我拉到刘奶奶家,只见躺在床上的刘奶奶脸色紫黑,头歪在一边,奄奄一息。我吓坏了,立即拨打120,救护车很快赶到,但医生也回天无术,刘奶奶就这样走了,大黄也被刘奶奶的亲戚送回了乡下。  幾天后,我看到刘奶奶紧锁的家门前竟然趴着大
本书记录了欧盟和世界经济发展的历史过程,对全球化、经济、发展、环保、文化等问题进行了论述和思考。帕斯卡尔·拉米是欧盟贸易委员,欧洲经贸界最有影响的人物之一。 This