
来源 :南京农专学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunto0724
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南京市进入90年代以来,在对外开放和引进技术方面进入了一个既有机遇又有挑战的良性发展新时期。在新形势下,南京实行“技术型”引进战略非常重要,要注意抓好以下3个方面:1.引进技术必须重视难点,突出重点;2.引进技术的基础是企业机制的转换;3.引进技术的关键是人才教育的开发。 Since entering the 90’s in Nanjing, Nanjing has entered a new period of benign development that has both opportunities and challenges in opening up to the outside world and introducing technologies. Under the new situation, it is very important for Nanjing to implement the strategy of “technology-based” introduction. It is necessary to pay attention to the following three aspects: 1. The introduction of technology must attach importance to the difficulties and give prominence to the key points; 2. The introduction of technology is based on the transformation of enterprise mechanisms; The key to the introduction of technology is the development of talent education.
The stationary tunneling current and differential conductance of the coupled quantum dots system with split-gates are calculated by generalizing the Beenaker’s
在中影大讲堂之“好莱坞特效大师公益讲座”上,本刊记者遇到了Tom Mikota,当时他受邀来给听众们做一个题为《从〈阿凡达〉到〈战马〉——看Weta工作室的技术流程演化》的讲座
In the ionospheric monostatic system the echo is af- fected by systematic error. A real-time method using the special characters of direct wave existing in mono
问:在应用水玻璃砂的实践中,常遇到需提高水玻璃模数的问题。请问,有什么办法可以提高水玻璃的模数,怎样操作?河南 王红 答:目前常用氯化铵和工业盐酸来处理水玻璃,以提高水
一、有先进的教学理念引领精彩在教学中,教师的教育教学观念决定着教师的行为,教师观念是影响课堂教学有效性的关键因素。观念是改革的先导,不同的教 First, advanced teach