以经济结构调整为主线 努力促进山西经济快速发展——学习十五届五中全会精神的体会

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党的十五届五中全会审议通过了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划的建议》,其中一个鲜明特点就是以结构调整为主线。一、对山西经济结构调整的认识问题。山西的经济结构调整近年来取得了显著成效,但仍有不少人缺乏信心。对此,我们必须正确估价调整的长远性,坚定信心。二、对山西能源工业的结构调整问题。一是煤炭方面,近期应把重点放在控制总量上,而不是放在调整生产布局上;二是建设国家级清洁能源产业区。三、对山西农业和农村经济结构的调整问题,有 3个方面应当注意。一是农业、农村经济结构调整的切入点;二是农业、农村经济结构调整的支撑点;三是农业、农村经济结构调整的有效形式。 The Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee examined and adopted the “Proposal of the CPC Central Committee on Formulating the Tenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development,” and one of its distinctive features is the structural adjustment. First, the understanding of Shanxi’s economic restructuring. Shanxi’s economic restructuring has achieved remarkable results in recent years, but many people still lack confidence. In this regard, we must correctly assess the long-term adjustment and strengthen our confidence. Second, the structural adjustment of Shanxi’s energy industry. First, coal, the recent focus should be on controlling the total, rather than on the adjustment of production layout; Second, the construction of a national clean energy industrial zone. Third, the adjustment of Shanxi’s agricultural and rural economic structure, there are three aspects should be noted. First, agricultural and rural economic structural adjustment of the entry point; Second, agricultural and rural economic structural adjustment of the support point; Third, agricultural and rural economic restructuring is an effective form.
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