Oxidation behavior of ternary Fe-15Cu-5Al and Fe-85Cu-5Al alloys in pure oxygen at 900℃

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vrace_zh
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The oxidation of two two-phase ternary Fe-Cu-Al alloys containing about 5%(mole fraction) aluminium,one Fe-rich and one Cu-rich, has been studied at 900℃in 1×105 Pa pure oxygen. The Fe-rich Fe-15Cu-5Al alloy presents two quasi-parabolic stages, with a large decrease of the parabolic rate constant after about 50 min. The presence of 5% Al greatly reduces the oxidation rate of this alloy with respect to a binary Fe-Cu alloy of similar composition by forming an external protective Al2O3 layer, which is present near the scale/alloy interface. Due to the high stress-growth effect, this thin Al2O3 layer cannot completely prevent further oxidation of the alloy underneath. On the contrary, the Cu-rich Fe-85Cu-5Al alloy presents a single parabolic stage and forms a thick and porous external scale, coupled to the internal oxidation of Fe and Al. As a result, the oxidation of Cu-rich alloy at 900℃is much faster than that of the Fe-rich alloy. The oxidation of two-phase ternary Fe-Cu-Al alloys containing about 5 mole% of aluminum, one Fe-rich and one Cu-rich, has been studied at 900 ° C. in 1 × 10 5 Pa pure oxygen. The Fe -rich Fe-15Cu-5Al alloy presents two quasi-parabolic stages with a large decrease of the parabolic rate constant after about 50 min. The presence of 5% Al substantially reduces the oxidation rate of this alloy with respect to a binary Fe- Due to the high stress-growth effect, this thin Al2O3 layer can not completely prevent further oxidation of the alloy underneath. On the contrary, the Cu-rich Fe-85Cu-5Al alloy presents a single parabolic stage and forms a thick and porous external scale, coupled to the internal oxidation of Fe and Al. As a result, the oxidation of Cu-rich alloy at 900 ° C is much faster than that of the Fe-rich alloy.
原海南省海口市检察院副检察长、政协海口市第十届委员王德伟,乱挥权杖徇私枉法,非法收受他人财物共计 30万元,由一名公诉人变成了被告人。   2000年 9月 5日上午 8时许,海南省
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