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  The Real “Hogwarts”
  He is the real-life wizard headmaster giving Harry Potter’s Dumbledore a run for his money[成为对手].
  Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, 68, has dedicated his life to studying the dark arts注1—even doing the shopping in his wizard costume and wand.
  Now the magic master has opened the world’s only registered wizard academy, the Grey School of Wizardry, as he prepares to make Hogwarts and the world of Harry Potter a reality.
  “If you’ve ever read Harry Potter and wondered if wizards really do walk among us, perhaps
  behind a secret train platform, or in secret communities, I can tell you that we are absolutely real,” says Oberon, from Catoti, California.
  Today, Oberon Zell-Ravenheart’s Grey School of Wizardry is the first wizard school to be officially recognized as an academic establishment.
  Like Hogwarts, the Grey School teaches 16 departments, including alchemy[炼金术], beast mastery, horse-whispering, wand-making and spell[咒语] casting.
  Pupils who attend this unique “conclave[秘密会议]” magic school are split into four ancient houses—Winds, Undines, Gnomes and Salamanders注2, and like Potter, students study a defence against the deadly dark arts.
  The Grey School boasts[自夸] 735 students, of which Oberon claims 100 are under-18-“trainee Harry Potters.” For now, it is an online college with regular physical wizard camps, where muggles can study seven years to graduate with a journeyman[满师学徒工] degree in wizardry.
  “It’s a serious qualification,” insists the wizard. “We teach advanced ‘mathemagicks’, quantum[量子论] entanglement, cosmology[宇宙哲学] & metaphysics[玄学], lore[知识], wortcunning[草药学] [herbal medicine] and all the ancient sciences.” But remarkably, Oberon is bidding on a giant castle in St. Helena, Montana, to run a full-time educational facility, just like Hogwarts. “We hold regular conclave summer camps for young wizards, and we are soon hoping to achieve some graduates in our four-year master’s degree in magic.”
  “Other so-called wizard schools are rip-offs[骗人] and they don’t allow children,” says Oberon. “I want to help the next breed of Harry Potters learn wizardry.” Membership is £18 and Oberon promises he can teach any student, old or young, the basics of wizardry.
  The Real “Dumbledore”“In the magic community I’m referred to as the real Dumbledore,” admits Oberon. “But before Harry Potter, people just called me Merlin, or Gandalf注3.”
  The former teacher and counselor[顾问] was teaching spells to aspiring wizards long before J.K. Rowling even dreamed up Harry Potter.
  Oberon rose to fame in the early 1980s as an eccentric[怪人] who claimed to have created the world’s first unicorn[独角兽]. Unbelievably, the self-proclaimed “master of wizardry” created a single-horned creature, using minor surgery on a goat, that made front page news in America.
  The creature later toured America with a famous circus. “It’s every wizard’s dream to have a unicorn, and we achieved that,” says Oberon, who lives with his wife, Morning Glory, 63, a witch. In 1985, he organized a diving expedition[探险队] in Australia and New Guinea to investigate the age-old mystery of the mermaid[美人鱼].
  Oberon is also a published author, having written many textbooks believed by the wizard community to be the “bibles of wizardry.” His recent books include Grimoire[魔法书] for the Apprentice[学徒] Wizard and the Companion for the Apprentice Wizard, while he publishes the first wizard magazine to reach a mass audience, called Green Egg Omelette[煎蛋].
  Life of Oberon
  Oberon met his wife, Morning Glory, at a pagan[异教徒] festival in 1973, where he was a keynote[主要] speaker. They married less than a year later.
  “She is my soul mate,” Oberon admits, “We have everything in common. Wizards believe we are all made of the same matter, and I have never felt more connected to a human being than Morning lory.”
  It was a love story straight from Harry Potter as the young wizard fell for his sweetheart while they learned witchcraft[魔法] and wand skills. Together they founded the mystical Ecosophical[生态哲学] Research Association in 1977, before creating a unicorn, called Bedevere, using minor surgery to the horn buds of a goat. The animal has long since died, but Oberon keeps the emarkable skull[头骨] as a prop[支持] in his bizarre[奇异的] home just north of San Francisco.
  There he lives with Morning Glory, and a small bearded dragon who lives on his shoulder all day. He drinks a herbal drink he calls a “pengalactic garglegaster注4.”
  Oberon says the Potter-buzz[波特热] has increased enrolment in his school: “Of course I love Harry Potter,” admits Oberon. “He has increased the interest in wizardry 1000 fold, as if by magic.”
  注4:此词模仿自英国作家道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Adams)的科幻小说《银河漫游指南》(The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)中银河帝国总统赞福德·毕博布鲁克斯(Zaphod Beeblebrox)发明的一种饮料“pan galactic gargle blaster”(全宇宙最强)。
  1. Department of Wizardry (Indigo) 魔法史系
  2. Department of Nature Studies (Silver) 自然学系
  3. Department of Magical Practice (Gold) 魔法实战系
  4. Department of Psychic Arts (Aqua) 通灵学系
  5. Department of Healing (Blue) 医术系
  6. Department of Wortcunning (Green) 草药学系
  7. Department of Divination (Yellow) 预言学系
  8. Department of Performance Magick (Orange) 魔术表演系
  9. Department of Alchemy and Magickal Sciences (Red) 炼金术与魔法科学系
  10. Department of Lifeways (Pink) 生活学系
  11. Department of Beast Mastery (Brown) 驭兽术系
  12. Department of Cosmology (Violet) 宇宙哲学系
  13. Department of Mathemagicks (Clear) 魔法数学系
  14. Department of Ceremonial Magick (White) 仪式术系
  15. Department of Lore (Grey) 综合知识系
  16. Department of Dark Arts (Black) 黑魔法系
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