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近年来,炉峪口煤矿在集团公司党委的正确领导下,团结带领全矿党员、干部和职工认真学习宣传、贯彻落实党的一系列路线、方针、政策,不断加强党的组织建设,进一步提高党组织的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力。深入贯彻落实科学发展观,服务中心抓基础,突出重点抓基层,营造氛围抓典型,与时俱进抓创新,战胜 In recent years, under the correct leadership of the party committee of the Corporation, the Yanyukou Coal Mine unites and leads all the party members, cadres and workers in the coal mine to study and propagandize earnestly, implement a series of directions, guidelines and policies of the party, continuously strengthen the building of the party organization, and further improve Party organization’s creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness. In-depth implementation of the scientific concept of development, service center to grasp the foundation, highlighting the grass-roots focus, create atmosphere to catch a typical, advancing with the times and innovation, victory
借助于信息技术的不断发展,传统的教育领域也在发生着深远的变革。计算机辅助教学(CAI,Computer Aided Instruction)正在逐渐成为一个被社会大众所关注的热门焦点。而题库系
The Au/Ti/n-GaAs structures with and without Al_2O_3 interfacial layer have been fabricated.The Al_2O_3interfacial layer has been formed on the GaAs substrate b
20 0 3年中国小麦 1 -9月份出口总量为 1 3 4 3万t,较 2 0 0 2年同期增长 1 3 4% ;进口总量为 3 0 8万t,较2 0 0 2年同期降低 45 %。自 2 0 0 2年 1 2月份以来 ,中国小麦一
The thermal characteristics of high-power AlGaAs/GaAs laser diodes(LDs) at high current(2-10 A)are studied with electrical transient method.The temperature rise
Marshmallow是新秀丽依据人体工程学新设计一款拥有弧线外观的旅行箱,能够在你需要时提供座椅的个性旅行箱,随时随地的获得十足舒适的休憩空间。始终致力于产品创新设计的新秀丽,甚至将Marshmallow设计为在旅行结束时能够嵌入摩登沙发中,并拥有自己的储藏空间。  Marshmallow选用改进的铝合金材质,拥有超强的塑型能力,同时也拥有超乎想象的抗阻性,能够轻松承载一个成年人的重量,在承受压
在欧洲各国 ,瑞典虽然地处北欧 ,但瑞典人吃冰淇淋却最多 ,人均年消费 1 3.8L ;葡萄牙虽然地处南欧 ,天气热 ,但葡萄牙人年均仅消费冰淇淋 3.6L ;丹麦人年均消费冰淇淋 9.9L ,位