先进性在创业中闪光 沈阳耀华玻璃有限责任公司

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沈阳耀华玻璃有限责任公司是由中国耀华玻璃集团公司投资,于2002年阳市改革改制扩大招商的活动中应运而生的。公司仅仅通过两年多的运行,就从一个濒临破产的玻璃企业,发展成为上缴税金6315万元,实现利润总额4512万元的龙头企业。不仅如此,公司还向玻璃深加工生产线领域大踏步迈进。这些成绩的取得得益于市委、市政府及各部门的关心,得益于耀华集团本部的支持,得益于市场形势的好转,更得益于沈阳耀华坚持以人为本、用党的先进性塑造良好的企业形象的明智之举。先进性体现在保持企业稳定在公司困难时期,三条浮法玻璃生产线,一条已经停产3个月,另两条也处于待料停产的边缘;企业的负债率高,巨额亏损,欠发工资,停产迫在眉睫;1300多名职工的安置问题,2000多名离退休职工的统筹费问题……沈阳耀华的领导班子深知,创业要稳定,稳定就要稳定人心。在托管时期,公司的领导班子及时召开企业干部会,明确提出“紧紧依靠原企业干部职工办企业”的指导方针,并对全体职工作出庄严承诺:工资不降;职工身份不变;职工内债要还;500吨生产线一定修复。会议的召开,发挥了力挽狂澜的作用。职工们士气人振,已经浮躁的干部队伍也渐渐冷静下来。广大职工焕发出了极大的工作热情,在连续两个月没开工资的情况下,生产与各项经济指标完全没有受到影响。公司领导班子在企业危难时刻突出党的先进性,使耀华玻璃公司重又恢复了生机,走出了困境。 Shenyang Yaohua Glass Co., Ltd. was invested by China Yaohua Glass Group Co., Ltd. It came into being in 2002 when Yang City reform and reform enlarging investment. Only through more than two years of operation, the company developed from a glass company on the brink of bankruptcy into a leading enterprise that paid taxes of 63.15 million yuan and realized a total profit of 45.12 million yuan. Not only that, the company also strides to the field of glass deep-processing line. These achievements have benefited from the municipal government and departments concerned, thanks to Yaohua Group headquarters support, thanks to the improvement of the market situation, but also benefit from Shenyang Yaohua adhere to the people-oriented, with the advanced nature of the party Shaping a good corporate image of the wise move. The advanced nature is reflected in maintaining the stability of the company In the difficult period of the company, three float glass production lines, one has been discontinued for 3 months, the other two are also on the brink of being discontinued; enterprises with high debt, huge losses, less wages, Imminent; more than 1,300 workers placement problems, more than 2,000 retired staff planning fees issues ... ... Shenyang Yaohua's leadership know that to start a stable, stable, we must stabilize the people. During the hosting period, the company's leadership promptly convened an enterprise cadre meeting and clearly set forth the guiding principle of “relying on the original enterprise cadres and employees to run enterprises” and made a solemn commitment to all employees that the wage would not drop; the employee's identity remained unchanged; the employee's internal debt To be still; 500 tons of production lines must be repaired. The convening of the meeting, played a turnaround. The morale of staff and workers, the impetuous cadre team has gradually calmed down. The vast majority of workers glow a great enthusiasm for work, in the case of two consecutive months without wages, the production and the economic indicators have not been affected. The leading group of the company highlighted the advanced nature of the party during the crisis of the enterprise so that Yaohua Glass Co. resumed its vitality and stepped out of its predicament.
他始终认准一个“闯”字,这次闯不准,还有下一次,只要闯准一次,就可大发一阵 He always look for a “break” word, this time Chuang accurate, as well as the next time
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