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现代化是中国近代历史发展的基本走向和主题。现代化运动是一个复杂的历史发展过程,其中外部关系上的世界化和内部关系的个性化(个人主义)是现代化运动的两个重要趋势和趋向。中国近代以来160多年的发展历程同样体现和展示出这样两个基本的发展趋势和趋向。从世界化的趋势来说,由于中国近代的对外开放是被迫的,因此在一个相当长的时期内,国人对世界化的发展趋势缺乏自觉的意识和体认,直到戊戌变法和辛亥革命时期,学习西方、融入世界、变法图强的世界化意识才成为先进中国人的自觉主张。五四运动前后,中国的世界化进程和中国人的世界化意识达到了一个新的历史高度。个性主义的实质是对个人价值(个人的自主权利及其创造精神)的尊重和肯定。个性主义在近代中国历史上经历了一个艰难曲折的演变过程,通过对西方个人主义思想的介绍、宣传和诠释,近代中国的启蒙思想家们对个性主义的内容和价值进行了新的界说和评论,充分肯定了个性主义、个性解放、个人自由对国家进步、社会发展的重要意义,特别是五四新文化运动,对个性主义思想的宣传、倡导、高扬,为个性化在中国的发展创造了良好条件,五四时期成为中国个性化发展的黄金时期。1949年后,由于内外环境的变化,中国的世界化和个性化发展进程处于停滞、萎缩甚至倒退状态,直至1978年后,伴随着改革开放的展开,中国的世界化和个性化进程才重新启动。值得注意的是,最近20多年间,中国的世界化和个性化程度达到了历史上前所未有的高度和程度,这是中国现代化发展的重要趋势,也是中国现代化发展的重要标志。 Modernization is the basic direction and theme of the development of modern history in China. The modernization movement is a complex process of historical development. The globalization of external relations and the individualization of internal relations (individualism) are two important trends and trends in the modernized movement. Since the development of China in the recent 160 years, two basic development trends and trends have also been demonstrated and demonstrated. From the trend of globalization, since China’s opening up to the outside world was forced in modern times, for a fairly long period of time, Chinese people lacked a conscious awareness and understanding of the development trend of the globalization until the Reform Movement of 1898 and the Revolution of 1911 , Learning the Western countries, integrating into the world, and turning themselves into a globalized consciousness that has become the conscious proposition of advanced Chinese people. Before and after the May 4th Movement, the process of globalization of China and the awareness of globalization of the Chinese people reached a new historical height. The essence of individualism is the respect and affirmation of personal value (individual’s autonomy rights and creative spirit). Individualism has undergone a difficult and tortuous course of evolution in the history of modern China. By introducing, propagandizing and interpreting ideas of Western individualism, Enlightenment thinkers in modern China have made a new definition and comment on the content and value of individualism Fully affirmed the importance of individualism, liberation of the individual and individual freedom for the progress of the country and social development. In particular, the May Fourth New Culture Movement advocated and advocated the development of individualism and created a Good conditions, the May 4th period of China’s personalized development of the golden age. After 1949, due to the change of internal and external environment, the process of globalization and individual development in China was in a state of stagnation, shrinking and even retrogression. Only after 1978 did China’s globalization and individualization process re-start with the reform and opening up . It is worth noting that in the recent 20 years or more, China’s globalization and personalization reached an unprecedented height and degree in history. This is an important trend of China’s modernization and an important symbol of China’s modernization.
【正】 《人民日报》1995年12月6日的一篇报道说,俄罗斯在经过几年持续衰退之后,最近已出现经济好转的势头。俄罗斯是原东欧各国实行“休克疗法”改革中,经济最乱,见效最晚的
【正】 农民融入市场问题,是农村从自然经济、半自然经济过渡到市场经济的根本问题,也是农业从小生产方式过渡到社会化大生产方式的一个重要问题。这个过渡包含丰富的社会经
【正】 广东省省长朱森林9月11日在中共广东省委常委扩大会议上强调:更新观念应该明辨是非,反腐倡廉必须理直气壮。他要求政府工作人员做到“三个坚持,三个反对。” 一是坚持
【正】 当前领导干部需要强化八个观念 《求是》第4期刊载中共山东省委书记姜春云一篇文章认为,从当前形势任务和山东省各级领导班子的现状来看,需要着重强化以下观念: 一、
【正】 《全民所有制工业企业转换经营机制条例》规定:“转换企业经营机制的目标是,使企业适应市场的要求,成为依法自主经营、自负盈亏、自我发展、自我约束的商品生产和经营