日本现有10 000多家麦当劳店,一年的营业总额突破40亿美元大关。创造这一辉煌业绩的藤田田,年轻时有过一段不平凡的经历。1965年,藤田田毕业于日本早稻田大学经济学系,毕业后随即在一家电器公司打工。1971年,藤田田看准了美国连
Japan’s existing more than 10,000 McDonald’s stores, the total turnover of one year exceeded 4 billion US dollars mark. Fujita Tada, who created this brilliant achievement, had an extraordinary experience when he was young. In 1965, Fujita graduated from the Department of Economics at Waseda University in Japan, and immediately after graduation, worked for an electrical company. In 1971, Fujita Tian saw the United States company