
来源 :中国建筑装饰装修 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kumufengchun
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接受本刊记者采访时,吴建荣穿着黑色的西服,头发整齐地往后梳着,两撇胡子几乎已经成了他的个人标志。在中南集团总部宽敞的办公室里,吴建荣的气场显得非常强大。他跟我们聊企业,聊政策,畅想未来中南集团的宏伟蓝图。看着眼前的这位企业家,人们也许很难想象,在三十多年前,吴建荣还只是一个施工队的队长。为了补贴家用,他小学毕业没多久,就跟着当地的建筑队开始了打工生涯。1984年,27岁的吴建荣召集了10多名泥工、木工组建了萧山长河建筑队,并因为其诚信的作风、过硬的工程质量在当地获得了广泛的声誉。凭借着敏锐的观察力和个人独有的魄力,吴建荣开始大胆地进入建筑装饰行业,成立了长河建筑工程公司、浙江省江南建筑装饰工程公司等,最终在建筑市场上占有了一席之地。在建筑装饰行业站稳脚跟之后,吴建荣没有就此停下来,每当嗅到某一行业的发展机遇时,他总能当机立断,迅速切入,他先后进入了文化创意行业,商贸服务行业,以及能源石化产业。他的大胆决策令行业侧目,却又不得不对其心生敬意。秉承着“诚信立业,创新发展”的核心理念,如今,中南集团已经发展成为了一个涵盖建筑施工、文化创意、商贸服务和高新技术、股权投资、能源石化六大板块的大型企业。吴建荣说,他的目标是要把中南集团打造成为一家百年企业。 Interview with our correspondents interviewed, Wu Jianrong wearing a black suit, hair neatly combing backwards, two bearded beings almost has become his personal mark. In Zhongnan Group headquarters spacious office, Wu Jianrong gas field is very strong. He told us to talk about business, talk about policies, Imagine the magnificent blueprint for the future Central South Group. Looking at the present entrepreneur, it may be hard to imagine that over thirty years ago, Wu Jianrong was still only the captain of a construction team. In order to subsidize household, he did not take long after graduating from elementary school, just started the working career with the local construction team. In 1984, 27-year-old Wu Jianrong convened more than 10 masons. The woodworker set up the Xiaoshan Changhe Building Team and gained a wide reputation in the region for its honest style and excellent engineering quality. With keen insight and personal courage, Wu Jianrong began to boldly enter the building decoration industry, the establishment of the Yangtze River Construction Company, Zhejiang Jiangnan Building Decoration Engineering Company, eventually in the construction market has a place. Wu Jianrong did not stop there after he got a firm foothold in the construction and decoration industry. Whenever he smelled the development opportunities of a certain industry, he always made a prompt decision and quickly entered. He successively entered into the cultural and creative industries, commerce and trade service industries, and the energy and petrochemical industry industry. His bold decision to make the industry side, but have to pay tribute to their heart. Nowadays, Zhongnan Group has developed into a large-scale enterprise that covers six major sections of construction, cultural and creative, business services and hi-tech, equity investment and energy and petrochemical industry, adhering to the core philosophy of “Founding Integrity and Innovative Development”. Wu Jianrong said his goal is to build Zhongnan Group into a century-old enterprise.
A rosin derivative and maleopimaric acid diethanolamide(MAD), was synthesized, characterized by FTIR and1 H NMR, and applied as dispersant for the coal-water sl