
来源 :中国水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arile1027
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东台县地处黄海之滨,曾两年夺取过皮棉万担.1984年县里又提出到1990年实现年产百万担鱼,要求乡镇办起养殖场,开挖精养鱼塘2万亩. 挖精养鱼塘,加速发展水产业,是农业实行新开拓、调整农村产业结构、促进粮食转化的一个战略措施,也是改善人民生活、繁荣经济、促进内外贸易发展的一件大事.我县发展水产业,潜力很大,大有可为.但是,我们制订规划和措施,一定要从实际出发,搞好调查算好帐.从现在看,我认为有三个问题必须注意. (一)要充分利用现有水面和鱼塘,注重质量. 两年来,全县鱼塘挖得不少,现有河 Dongtai County is located on the coast of the Yellow Sea, having won over 200,000 lint cotton in 1984. In 1984, the county proposed to achieve an annual output of 1 million tons of fish by 1990, requiring towns and towns to run farms and excavation of 20,000 mu of intensive fish ponds To dig up and cultivate fish ponds and speed up the development of aquaculture is a strategic measure for developing agriculture, adjusting rural industrial structure and promoting food conversion, and is also a major event in improving people’s livelihood, boosting the economy and promoting the development of domestic and foreign trade. However, if we formulate plans and measures, we must proceed from the reality and do a good job of surveying and calculating accounts. From now on, I think three issues must be taken into consideration. (1) To make full use of the existing There are surface water and fish ponds, focus on quality.In the past two years, the county fish pond dig a lot, the existing river
本文介绍了《ПМУ》型防水垢磁化装置在210型内燃机车上的使用效果。 This article describes the use of the “ПМУ” type scale-resistant magnetizer on a 210 die
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