Ion acceleration and neutron production in hybrid gas-puff z-pinches on the GIT-12 and HAWK generato

来源 :MatterandRadiationatExtremes | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangjianguo20
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Z-pinch experiments with a hybrid configuration of a deuterium gas puff have been carried out on the HAWK (NRL, Washington, DC) and GIT-12 (IHCE, Tomsk) pulsed power generators at 0.7 MA and 3 MA currents, respectively. On GIT-12, neutron yields reached an average value of 2 × 1012 neutrons, and deuterons were accelerated up to an energy of 30 MeV. This was 50 times the ion energy provided by the generator driving voltage of 0.6 MV and the highest energy observed in z-pinches and dense plasma foci. To confirm these unique results independently on another device, we performed several experimental campaigns on the HAWK generator. Comparison of the experiments on GIT-12 and HAWK helped us to understand which parameters are essential for optimized neutron production. Since the HAWK generator is of a similar pulsed power architecture as GIT-12, the experiments on GIT-12 and HAWK are important for the study of how charged-particle acceleration scales with the current.
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在CH4吸收光谱测量中, 特别是低温吸收光谱测量中, 分子吸收谱线的准确性测量十分重要, 尤其是将所得的测量参数运用到地球大气以及外星球的遥感探测和模拟。 HITRAN数据库中CH4给出的参数并不完整, 同时还很不准确。 为了对6 038~6 052 cm-1波段的CH4低温吸收光谱进行测量, 该文采用窄线宽的二极管激光器作为光源, 结合自主设计的低温装置, 测量了CH4的低能级能量和转动量子数, 并与HITRAN 2008进行了对比, 同时模拟了线强随温度的变化。
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