截至12月11日,上海港的集装箱吞吐量已突破了800万标准箱大关,成为中国大陆首个箱量突破800万箱的港口。当天,上海港举行了隆重的庆祝典礼。交通部副部长翁孟勇和上海市委副书记、常务副市长韩正出席庆典并讲话。 快速统计表明,上海港的这一成绩比创纪录的去年同期增长了35%,引起了全世界港航界的关注。
As of December 11, the container throughput of Shanghai Port has exceeded the mark of 8 million TEUs and became the first port in mainland China with a container throughput of 8 million boxes. On the same day, Shanghai Port held a grand ceremony. Vice Minister of Communications Weng Mengyong and Shanghai Municipal Committee, Deputy Mayor Han Zheng attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. Quick statistics show that this achievement of Shanghai Port increased by 35% over the record level of the same period of last year, arousing the concern of the world’s navigation community.