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油毡防水屋面是我国屋面防水主要措施之一,其特点是原材料来源广,具有一定的柔韧性、延伸性,适用范围广。但目前质量通病是渗漏,用户意见很大。治理油毡屋面渗漏,首先应从原材料抓起。油毡防水质量在很大程度上取决于沥青、卷材的质量。目前生产沥青、卷材的厂家很多,但质量得不到保证。因此选材要慎重,购买材料前最好先送检,合格后再购。绿豆砂作为油毡屋面保护层,不仅能防止油毡沥青老化,还能起到遮阳、降温、隔热、反射部分阳光的作用,如果使用了细砂、土豆砂、豆石等,2mm厚的油无法将其粘住,经雨水冲刷掉,堵塞排水口,造成屋面积水渗漏。其次,要抓好施工质量。要从基层抓起,好的基层本身就具有一定的防水性。基层必须牢固,平整且坡度必须符合设计要求。保温层铺垫要平整、密实、厚薄均匀;用于找平层的水泥标号不得低于325号,找平层且应留分格缝,缝宽一般为20mm,水泥砂浆找平层最大间距不宜大于6m,沥青砂浆找平层最大间距不宜大于 Felt waterproofing roof is one of the main measures for waterproofing roof in China. It is characterized by a wide source of raw materials, a certain degree of flexibility, extensibility, and a wide range of application. However, current quality problems are leakage, and users have great opinions. To manage leakage of linoleum roofs, we must first start with raw materials. The waterproof quality of linoleum depends to a large extent on the quality of asphalt and coils. At present, there are many manufacturers of asphalt and coils, but the quality cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, we must be cautious when selecting materials. It is advisable to check the materials before purchasing them, and then purchase them after they are qualified. Mung bean sand as a protective layer of linoleum roof can not only prevent the aging of the felt asphalt, but also play the role of shading, cooling, heat insulation, and reflection of part of the sun. If fine sand, potato sand, and soya bean are used, 2mm thick oil cannot Stick it and wash it off with rainwater to block the drain and cause leakage of water in the house area. Second, we must do a good job of construction quality. To start from the grassroots level, a good base layer itself has a certain degree of waterproofness. The base must be firm, flat and the slope must meet the design requirements. Insulation layer bedding shall be smooth, dense, and uniform in thickness; the cement label used for leveling layer shall not be lower than No. 325. The leveling layer shall be left with sub-grid seams, the seam width shall be generally 20mm, and the maximum spacing of cement mortar leveling layer shall not be greater than 6m. The maximum spacing of mortar screed should not be greater than