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毛泽东关于科学技术发展的思想是与马恩列斯一脉相承的。毛泽东认为,科学技术是促进发展的革命性力量,建设社会主义现代化强国,不能走世界各国技术发展的老路,必须打破常规,走一条属于中国自己的、在落后的基点上实现创造性发展的路子。中国人民有志气、有能力,能够自力更生实现这个大目标。毛泽东科学技术发展战略思想的重要内涵主要体现在四个方面。(1)赶超世界先进水平。这是中华民族打破西方发达国家对发展的垄断、打碎西方发达国家对先进科学技术独占的梦,是推进科学技术公共化、实现民族振兴的伟大目标。中国人民要有高度的理论自信、制度自信、能力自信、实践自信。(2)科学技术发展是全国人民、是中华民族的伟大事业。科学技术发展要作为提高人民福利、发展振兴国家和民族的必要的基础、前提和条件,而不能作为个别人或小集团用以争夺取胜的法宝,不能作为个别人或小集团赚钱和压迫别人的工具。科学技术是生产力,然而它必须成为人民大众的、民族的事业,那才是真正的有利于发展和进步的生产力。(3)发展科学技术,必须建设起坚实的基础:一是社会制度,二是文化教育,三是人才群体,三者缺一不可。社会主义国家为建立起这些基础,能够提供充分的条件和创造优良的环境。(4)科学技术发展要重在运用于实际上。科学技术发展和运用同样具有两面性,社会主义国家科学技术发展要成为促进生产力发展的正能量,要运用于正义的、有益于最广大人民群众福利增加的方面。 Mao Tse-tung’s thinking on the development of science and technology is consistent with that of Marientes. Mao Zedong believed that science and technology should be revolutionary forces for promoting development. To build a powerful socialist modernization country and not follow the usual path of technological development in various countries in the world, Mao Zedong must break the routine and take a path that belongs to China and achieves creative development on the backward base. The Chinese people are ambitious, capable and able to become self-reliant to achieve this major goal. The important connotation of Mao Zedong’s strategy of developing science and technology is mainly embodied in four aspects. (1) catch up with the advanced world level. This is the dream of the Chinese nation to break the monopoly of developed countries in development in western countries and shatter the exclusive ownership of advanced science and technology by the developed western countries. It is a great goal of promoting the publicization of science and technology and rejuvenating the nation. The Chinese people should have a high degree of theoretical confidence, a system of self-confidence, self-confidence and self-confidence. (2) The development of science and technology is a national people and a great undertaking of the Chinese nation. The development of science and technology should not be used as a magic weapon for winning the victories of individuals or small groups but as an individual or a small group to make money and oppress others as the necessary basis, premise and conditions for raising the people’s welfare and developing the country and nation tool. Science and technology are productive forces. However, it must become the cause of the general public and the nation. That is the real productivity that is conducive to development and progress. (3) To develop science and technology, we must build a solid foundation: one is the social system; the other is cultural education; and the third is the group of talents, all of which are indispensable. In order to establish these foundations, the socialist countries can provide sufficient conditions and create an excellent environment. (4) The development of science and technology should focus on the practical application. The development and application of science and technology also have two sides. The development of science and technology in the socialist countries should become the positive energy for promoting the development of productive forces, be applied to justice and benefit the welfare of the overwhelming majority of the people.
目的 探讨高频微型超声探头联合术中美蓝着色在乳腺触诊阴性小肿瘤切除中的临床应用意义.方法 对202例患者228个临床触诊阴性的乳腺小肿瘤进行术中超声检查,术中超声探头采用
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