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北京最近出台一系列政策,为包括央产权在内的各类公房上市交易政策松绑。应该说,这些政策能够在一定程度上促进北京二手房市场的交易,但效果有限。根据北京市房地局的统计,北京市现有的大约80万套公房中,大约有40万套左右因为房主工作性质等各种原因,还没有办法上市进行交易。不过,如果剩下的这部分公房能够没有障碍地进行自由交易,北京的二手房市场也会迎来一个一个前所未有的大增长。但是,目前制约着北京房地产二级市场的发展的因素繁多,如交易手续繁琐,信息网络手段落后,中介代理服务机构不成熟,市场秩序不规范等。冰冻三尺,非一日之寒,这些因素虽然可以通过不断改进日常管理工作而加以解决,但显然不可能一蹴而就。 Beijing recently introduced a series of policies to ease the listing and trading policies of all kinds of public housing including the central government. It should be said that these policies can to some extent promote the Beijing second-hand housing market transactions, but the effect is limited. According to Beijing Municipal Bureau of Land and Housing statistics, about 800,000 public housing units in Beijing currently have around 400,000 units, and because of the nature of the work of homeowners, there is no way to go public for trading. However, if the remaining part of the public housing can be free trade without obstacles, Beijing’s second-hand housing market will usher in an unprecedented big growth. However, there are many factors restricting the development of the real estate secondary market in Beijing at present, such as complicated transaction procedures, backward information network tools, immature intermediary agency services and irregular market order. Frozen, not the cold day, these factors can be solved by continuous improvement of day-to-day management, but apparently can not be done in one move.
同步操作是SONET/SDH网络 极为重要的部份,这从其“同步光网” (Synchronous Optical Network)的 名称即可看出。同步操作可透过多任 务方式有效率地将低速语音、数据和 视讯
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