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现阶段大多数高中体育类的培训中都强调如何上好体育课、如何开展高中体育学分制、如何在体育课中设置模块教学?就此开展了一系列的培训活动。一方面是学分制评价模块教学设置的培训活动,另一方面是体质健康测试的实施。但如何真正落实学分制、模块教学与体质健康测试的有机结合,在学生完成学分制的基础上全面提高学生体质,是校本教研中所需探讨的课题。查阅了很多文献资料也很少有相关的内容,然而提高学生的身体素质是体育课的主要目的。现阶段相当一部分学校都开设选项教学,有的也设置了体育模块教学和学分制。我校通过近一学期的教学改革,把体育模块教学、学分制以及体质健康测定项目有机结合,开设独特的校本教研。在对近三学年的学生体质健康测试数据的比较中,发现进行有效的校本教研对提高学生的体质健康有非常显著的作用。 At present, most of the high school sports class training emphasizes how to improve physical education, how to carry out high school sports credit system, how to set the module teaching in physical education? A series of training activities have been carried out. On the one hand, it is a training activity set by credit system evaluation module teaching, on the other hand, the implementation of physical health test. However, how to truly implement the credit system, the combination of module teaching and physical fitness test, the overall improvement of students ’physique on the basis of students’ completion of credit system is the subject to be discussed in school-based teaching and research. Access to a lot of literature is also rarely related content, however, to improve the physical fitness of students is the main purpose of physical education. At this stage a considerable number of schools have set up optional teaching, and some also set the sports module teaching and credit system. Our school through the last semester of teaching reform, the sports module teaching, credit system and physical health determination of the project, the creation of a unique school-based teaching and research. In the recent three years of students ’physical health test data comparison, found that effective school-based teaching and research to improve students’ physical health has a very significant role.
随着高科技的迅猛发展,微创手术正被广泛应用于临床.腹腔镜阑尾切除术(Laparoscopic appendaectomy,LA)[1]由于获得明确诊断的同时还可进行手术,且具有患者创伤轻、出血少、
目的 观察腰硬联合麻醉下在剖宫产手术中按压腹部帮助取出胎儿的措施对麻醉平面的影响.方法 我院观察了200例择期剖宫产手术,选择未压腹即顺利取出胎儿的100例,设为A组,另选
1 反跳的原因和表现 急性有机磷农药中毒反跳的原因有:毒物清理不彻底、阿托品用量不足、减量过快或停药过早等,另外大剂量过快输液也可引起有机磷农药中毒反跳.根据临床观察
目的 探讨男护生职业态度影响因素,为护理教育者规划男护生职业生涯提供依据.方法 自行设计男护生职业态度影响因素调查问卷对167名男护生进行调查.结果 男护生家庭背景、家
目的 探讨急性重症胰腺炎早期治疗方法.方法 针对急性重症胰腺炎早期病理发展过程,在重症胰腺炎发病早期,采用经腹腔镜置管,建立闭式腹腔灌洗系统,用自配的腹腔灌洗液进行腹
目的 探讨健商理念在孕妇产前健康教育中的应用效果.方法 将160例孕妇随机分为观察组和对照组,各80例.对照组接受一般性健康宣教,观察组在此基础上实施产前健商理念健康教育.