对欧美许多人来说,至今还是这样:日本大致不过被不分青红皂白地包含到“远东(Far East)”之中。对中国、朝鲜、菲律宾、泰国……和日本的人长相、自然风景、衣食住、风俗习惯等等,能加以区别的人真是少而又少。这个事实,欧美的电影等上面也有反映。在日本人看来,那无论如
To many in Europe and the United States, so far: Japan is largely but indiscriminately included in the Far East. To China, North Korea, the Philippines, Thailand ... ... and Japan’s appearance, natural beauty, food, clothing, customs and so on, can make a difference between the people is really small and few. This fact is reflected in the above movies in Europe and America. In the Japanese view, that no matter