祸起信用证 1992年12月10日,我国F市的一家农业开发公司作为买方通过香港某公司与日本一家株式会社在F市签订了一份饲料加工设备购销合同,约定由日方向中方提供一套全新饲料加工设备。价格为23928万日元;生产能力为每小时2吨以上;由日方提供厂房、土木工程及机器安装的设计图纸,并从日本国内派出工程师指导并监督设备安装及试运转操作;
On December 10, 1992, an agricultural development company in F City of our country, as a buyer, signed a purchase and sales contract for feed processing equipment with a Japanese company in Hong Kong through a company in Hong Kong on December 10, 1992, stipulating that the Japanese side should provide China with one Set of new feed processing equipment. The price of 239.28 million yen; production capacity of more than 2 tons per hour; by the Japanese side to provide plant, civil engineering and machinery installation design drawings, and sent engineers from Japan to guide and supervise equipment installation and commissioning operations;