
来源 :浙江预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lck2000
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随着健康普查和检测手段的进步,饮食结构的改变及寿命的延长,高尿酸血症已不少见。Campion等报道欧美在近5年间血清尿酸值在535.5~594.0μmol/L(9.0~9.9mg/dl换算,系数59.5)以上者占受检人群的19.8%;在日本,赤冈家雄等对某大企业的千余名41~60岁的男性职员进行血尿酸调查,血尿酸值在416.5μmol/L以上者从1984年的11%上升为1988年的23%;在台湾,Chou等检查了1738例30岁以上的健康人,结果发现高尿酸血症的患病率为17.3%。为进一步了解国内各年龄高尿酸血症的患病情况,我们检查了年龄在20~90岁的2058例休养员的空腹血尿酸值,具体报告如下。 With the improvement of health screening and detection methods, changes in dietary structure and prolonged life span, hyperuricemia is not uncommon. Campion et al. reported that in the past 5 years, the proportion of serum uric acid in the United States and Europe was between 535.5 to 594.0 μmol/L (9.0 to 9.9 mg/dl conversion, coefficient 59.5) accounting for 19.8% of the population; in Japan, Chikao Kashiro et al. More than 1,000 male 41- to 60-year-old male employees of a large company performed a survey of blood uric acid. The blood uric acid value of 416.5 μmol/L or more increased from 11% in 1984 to 23% in 1988. In Taiwan, Chou et al. examined 1738 Cases of healthy people over the age of 30 found that the prevalence of hyperuricemia was 17.3%. To further understand the prevalence of hyperuricemia in all age groups in China, we examined the fasting serum uric acid values ​​of 2058 absentees aged 20 to 90 years. The specific report is as follows.
The effects of lanthanides on the hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol in human erythrocyte membranes were studied. 3H-inositoI labeling chromatography and HPLC w
例1 围绕“雨”这个话题,仿照前面的句子,在横线处续写两句话。  雨丝最能扯动昔日的情思,雨声也最易叩响感情的门环。垂老的将帅有“夜阑卧听风吹雨,铁马冰河入梦来”的回味; ; 。  解析 本题考查仿用句式,属于续写式仿写题型,兼考诗词名句的默写和修辞。先明确仿写要求,题目要求围绕“雨”这个话题;后分析例句特点,例句为诗中的人物+有+诗句及其意境的句式结构;再选取恰当的内容表述,选择与例句相近的人物
Objective:To exploretheserum-freecultureconditionsfordifferentiatingmouseembryonicstemcells(ES cells)intoneuralprecursorcells(NPC)andcomparetheeffectsof humanem
AIM: To Observe the effect of change in oxygen tensionon the release pattern and nature of endothelium-derivedsubstances in isolated rabbit aorta. METHODS: Iso