Seasonal effect on rooting behaviour of important bamboo species by culm cuttings

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:white2008
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We investigated the influence of season on the rooting behaviour of eight important bamboo species viz., Bambusa balcooa, B.bambos, B. nutans, B. tulda, B. vulgaris, Dendrocalamus giganteus, D.hamiltonii and D. strictus. We collected 2 3 node culm cuttings in three growing seasons viz. spring (March), summer (June) and rainy (August)from superior candidate plus clumps (CPCs) centralized in the germ-plasm garden. Cuttings were placed horizontally in sand and were provided with intermittent misting at regular intervals. Bamboo species exhibited differential rhizogenesis behavior in different seasons. The study reveals significant variation in sprouting and rooting behaviour indifferent bamboo species. B. bambos had maximum rooting (78.89%),followed by B. vulgaris (74.44%). In general, the potential of different bamboo species for rooting was found to be in the order: B. bambos > B.vulgaris > B. balcooa > D. hamiltonii > B. tulda > D. strictus > D.giganteus >B. nutans. The maximum rooting was recorded in spring(56.67%), which was closely followed by summer (54.58%). In winter season, minimum rooting (36.67%) was observed. The interaction effect of species × season was also significant on sprouting and rooting parameters. In B. balcooa, B. nutans, B. vulgaris, D. hamiltonii and D.strictus, cuttings collected in summer season showed maximum sprouting and rooting, whereas, B. bambos, B. tulda and D. giganteus had maximum rooting in spring. The maximum number of roots developed per cutting was observed in B. tulda (43.8) during spring season. We investigated the influence of season on the root behavior of eight important bamboo species viz., Bambusa balcooa, B. bambos, B. nutans, B. tulda, B. vulgaris, Dendrocalamus giganteus, D. hamiltonii and D. strictus. Spring (March), summer (June) and rainy (August) from superior candidate plus clumps (CPCs) centralized in the germ-plasm garden. Cuttings were placed horizontally in sand and were provided with intermittent misting at regular intervals. Bamboo species showed differential rhizogenesis behavior in different seasons. The study reveals significant variation in sprouting and rooting behavior indifferent bamboo species. B. bambos had maximum rooting (78.89%) followed by B. vulgaris (74.44% ). In general, the potential of different bamboo species for rooting was found to be in the order: B. bambos> B. vulgaris> B. balcooa> D. hamiltonii> B. tulda> D. strictus> D. giganteus> B The maximum rooting The interaction effect of species × season was also significantly on sprouting and rooting parameters. In (2) was was found in spring (56.67%), which was closely followed by summer (54.58%). B. balcooa, B. nutans, B. vulgaris, D. hamiltonii and D. strictus, cuttings collected in summer season drawings maximum sprouting and rooting, while, B. bambos, B. tulda and D. giganteus had maximum rooting in spring. The maximum number of roots developed per cutting was observed in B. tulda (43.8) during spring season.
芽期对耐盐性不同的大麦品种 (系 )进行盐胁迫处理。结果表明 ,一定盐浓度下 ,耐盐性强的品种的相对发芽率、相对发芽脂数及相对萌发活力指数大于盐敏感品种 ;耐盐性中等品种