
来源 :中国临床研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songshuguiyu00
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目的探讨缩宫素在第三产程中应用的最佳使用途径。方法选择2012年12月至2013年8月住院经阴道分娩的150例产妇,根据缩宫素应用方法的不同,将其分为三组,A组(脐静脉推注组);B组(上肢静脉推注组)和C组(臀部肌肉注射组),每组50例。其中A组在胎儿娩出断脐后即刻经脐静脉推注缩宫素20 U+生理盐水20 ml;B组在断脐后即刻经上肢静脉推注缩宫素20 U+生理盐水20 ml;C组在断脐后立即臀部肌肉注射缩宫素20 U。对胎盘胎膜娩出时间、第三产程出血量、产后2 h出血总量以及清宫例数进行比较。结果 A组胎盘胎膜剥离时间、分娩后出血量、产后2 h内出血总量均优于B组和C组,清宫例数少于C组(P均<0.05)。结论脐静脉推注缩宫素较传统给药方法可更快促进胎盘胎膜完整剥离,并可明显减少产后出血量,其操作方法简单,作用可靠,母婴无并发症。 Objective To explore the best use of oxytocin in the third stage of labor. Methods 150 pregnant women admitted to the hospital for vaginal delivery from December 2012 to August 2013 were divided into three groups according to the application of oxytocin. Group A (umbilical vein injection group), group B (upper limbs Intravenous injection group) and C group (buttock muscle injection group), 50 cases in each group. In group A, immediately after umbilical cord delivery, umbilical vein was injected with oxytocin 20 U + saline 20 ml; in group B, oxytocin 20 U + Into the buttocks immediately after the intramuscular injection of oxytocin 20 U. The time of delivery of placental membranes, the third stage of bleeding, 2 h postpartum total amount of bleeding and the number of cases compared to the Qing. Results The placental detachment time, the amount of bleeding after delivery and the total amount of bleeding within 2 hours after birth in group A were better than those in groups B and C, and the number of patients in Qing group was less than that in group C (all P <0.05). Conclusion Umbilical vein injection of oxytocin can promote the complete release of placental membranes faster than the traditional method of administration, and can significantly reduce the amount of postpartum hemorrhage. The operation method is simple and reliable, without complications of mother and infant.
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