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由于艾滋病病魔近年来的肆意猖虐,澳大利亚政府制定了一项在全国范围内扼制艾滋病泛滥的紧急计划,并特意为此制作了一个阴森恐怖、声色俱厉的以骷髅恶魔形象为主角的广告宣传片,不经宣布,就于某个星期日晚8时的收视黄金时间,在全国电视网中突然插播……任何政府的基本职能之一都是维护社会秩序,但是法令法规往往并不能施加于所有问题,也不能使人们在观点上对某些问题有所认同。于是,宣传的重要性便突显出来。而公益广告,则逐渐成为政府或社会团体为寻求社会问题的解决而采取的一种面对全体公众的形象宣传手法,并主要是由政府机构根据政策的需要来策划、制作及指定刊播的。因其所选定的主题与大众切身利益息息相关,采取的手法又多属感性写实,且本身不具商业性,所以令人易于接受,往往能在大众心中引起强烈的惊醒或认同感,达致良好的宣传效果。 Due to the wanton rampant AIDS epidemic in recent years, the Australian government has formulated an urgent plan to curb the spread of AIDS in the entire country. It has specially produced an eerie and sensual promotional video featuring the image of a skeleton devil, Unpublished, suddenly broadcast on the national television network on the prime time of a Sunday at 8 pm Sunday ... One of the basic functions of any government is to maintain social order, but ordinances and laws are often not applied to all issues, Nor does it allow people to agree on some issues in point of view. Thus, the importance of advocacy will be highlighted. Public service announcements have gradually become a kind of image propaganda tactics adopted by the government or social organizations to find a solution to social problems and are mainly planned by government agencies in accordance with the needs of policies. . Because of its theme selection is closely related to the vital interests of the general public, the approach taken is mostly sentimental and realistic, and is not commercial in nature, so it is easy to accept and can often arouse strong awakening or identity among the public to achieve good The publicity effect.