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  What Kind of Medicine for Dialect
  ——Thoughts on Reading The People of Chongqing Will Never Do Things Sloppily
  Article | Hong Yifei
  Dialect is a package of medicine. which can solve irri-tability, fatigue, but also relieve physical illness and anxi-ety, why?
  Because the dialect conceals endless ingenuity and traditionalcode of conduct, if you understand it, Jianghu is nothing but joy-fulness and enrnity, but if you don't understand it, you just take itas a joke, leaving a lasting and pleasant impression when think of itafterwards.
  The compilation and exploration of dialects have existedsince ancient times. From Dialect wrote by Yang Xiong,a nativeof Sichuan Province as early as the Western Han Dynasty to manycurrent dialect illustrated books.I feel that The People of ChongqingWill Never Do Things Sloppily is more characteristic,tracing the originof Chongqing dialect. finding the source from A Dream of Red Man-sions and Jin Ping Mei,and finding traces in Water Margin and Three Chiv-alry and Five Righteousness. Reading it will have more fun and broadenthe horizon, making us to more passionate about the inheritanceof ancient Chinese to natural and social customs of one place.
  The People of Chongqing Will Never Do Things Sloppily could be re-garded the Bashu customs full of fun. with integration of dia-lect. folklore and anecdote.
  The book is grand in layout, well-classified and vivid in explanation.
  The book is divided into plot part,human feelings part, description part,personality part and diet part, includingclose to one hundred Chongqing dialects-Da Xiang Pian'er, Guan Huo, HuoPiao. Cha Ba. Oh Ho. San Jiao Mao. DaYao Tai...featuring poetic story, vulgarlife, historical stories. fashionable newlanguage to be connected into chapters ,rich in wisdom and interest.   Chongqing dialect "Ye Bu Shou" isderived from the ancient saying in YuanDynasty. By quoting Yuan dram a, QiangWen tells the story of Dongchang and thespy identity of Ye Bu Shou . evolving intothe dialect Ye Mao Zi today. The authordepicts a joyous and misty atmosphere,with merchant, migrant worker. editor,policeman , fan. host and reader all wrotetogether, showing a wide range of life inthe marketplace. Reading it, one can seethe various aspects of the world, justlike tasting the culture feast. In additionto revealing its image, one can also seeits fun. its reason and its reprimand.Magnificent glamor swings among thelines . scattering elegant feeling.
  For the Chongqing dialect "DingDui and Ding Bu Dui" , in addition to itsorigin, the author also raises Pan Jinlianand Li Pinger' s entanglement. andconnects to intercourse between ZengGuofan and Zuo Zongtang ; regarding theChongqing dialect "Da Yan" . now it isused to describe the beautiful woman inChongqing, which is just making use ofancient meaning for today' s application.Wang Shifu, the author of The Romance ofthe Western Chamber, already gives a vividdepiction of "Da Yan" in his other Yuandrama , A Tale of a Broken Kiln. Only whenhe calls it "Da Yan" for high appearancevalue person can he like it. It turns out thatboth the ancients and the present peoplehave the same tastes and make us smile.
  The author Qiang Wen combs thedialect, does not make the mechanicalcompilation. does not explain the grammarCctory one by one—Learned scholarS Overpast dyrlaSties are kept on appearing in foUrphase;the booriSh fellows and Slim ladieSare filled With miXed feelingS at preSent.Picking up gOOSe foot prints and snowmud at random demonStrateS toleranCe.warmth,sophiStication,cunning,wisdomof Chongqing people.The straightforwardof BaShan and the gentle of Yushui will takeroot and blossom in our Works.
  Dialects are ubiquitous all over theworld.
  According to the statistics-Indo-European language family , one of theseven largest language families in theworld , contains 443 dialects . withpopulation of 3 billion using them ; inChina. there are 70 million people usescattered Hakka dialect.   Dialect is required for drama . nationalfestivals and migrant workers. and dialectprotection is very vital. Qiang Wen's bookhas shown her responsibility as a writer.From Chen Longhui' s Grammar of Taiwanin 1934 to Fang Xiaoyan' s Modal Particles atthe End of Sentences in Guangzhou Dialect in 2003 .there have been dozens of books on dialectstudies in China . but all of them havefallen into the academic study. The bookwrote by Qiang Wen is fully practical.feeling joyful while wandering its bookgarden-dotting with wonderful wordswith local accent hovering around the ear.
  In fact, the author Qiang Wen is a nativeof the mountain city and has been impressedby Chongqing dialect since childhood. Attoday' s era when dialect is declining , sheeven visited to Wuxi. Xiushan. Tongnan,Fuling's townships and villages , lookingfor almost disappeared dialect. Guan Huo,Gao Hao. Lao Huo ...these rough andloud Chongqing target language hiddensunique local culture. Qiang Wen, with herbig writing brush. describes the story,appreciates the reason sense, and speaks forthe endless local sound-Chongqing dialect.Say what you say and do it, and the peopleof Chongqing will say, Never do thingssloppily; say "Da Xiang Pian" whenfriends return to their hometown; care withlover for suffering , but not forgive peopleon the mouth. to say "Lian Qing MianHei"; If you are mean and do the despicablethings, but only ruin the family, that'Scalled "Zhuang Zheng Shen". The wit andhumor of Chongqing people can be foundeverywhere in the dialect.
  Dialect is the eternal carrier of ourhomesickness and nostalgia.
  The perspective of Qiang Wen is bothwide-angel and close-up. The dialectis staggering forward against the bigenvironment in which the widespreadutilization of mandarin on the Internetand by the students, migrant workers andbusinessman during traveling. Dialectis marginalized, segmented and agedbecause of urbanization, but dialect isthe representative of region and nationalculture: no matter it is the roar of Qinopera or Wu Nong soft language; whetherit is from the market. "jiao Ku" "LiuSuan" . "Fu Lv Fu Tu" in Book of Odes(without consideration), "Ming Yue" "jiShi" and "You" in Prelude To Water Melody;whether the imagery and straightforwardof the Northeast dialect, ching-changand beam with joy of Uighur language-are the wondrous cultural landscape ofthe Chinese land. Dialect is needed forthe interpretation of characters buriedunderground , the interpretation of ancienthistory, the judgment of prosody ofpoems , and theatrical performances.
  Congenial get together, drink heartilyrepresents the personality of Chongqingpeople , but also the temperament of thebook The People of Chongqing Will Never Do ThingsSloppily. Chongqing dialect is based on Bashudialect. and influenced by the nationalcommon language , immigrant languageand surrounding dialects, forming Tujiadialect , Miao dialect, Minjiang dialect ,Tuguangdong dialect and Laohuguangdialect. which are popular with the peoplefor their humor and wit.
  Chongqing dialect sounds veryvulgar, but in fact it is very elegant,this is probably the rays of light thatThe People of Chongqing Will Never Do ThingsSloppily hope to convey hopes to deliver.
  This book only reflects small parts ofthe inheritance and development of ancientChinese. While the author Qiang Wen takesadvantage of her own strength to record ,protect and inherit the dialect culture.
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