例1:王××.女,10岁.于1990年3月20日被犬咬伤左眼睑.伤后1小时急来我院检查.右眼无异常.左眼下睑肿胀,有一近似横行的不规则伤口.内端抵内眦角鼻侧10mm处.伤口向斜下方走行达外眦角下方8mm处,全长约3cm.伤口深浅不一.浅处仅伤及皮肤及皮下组织,深者穿透眼睑全层.下穹窿部结膜自内眦向外有一长10mm的撕裂伤,眼前段及眼底无异常.处理:急以0. 1%新洁尔灭冲洗半小时,再以大量清水冲洗伤口后以5%碘酊反复数次烧灼伤口.然后皮肤及结膜下注射抗狂犬病血清1万u.再分层缝合.术后肌注抗狂犬病血清1万u,同时应用狂犬疫苗及破伤风抗毒素和其它抗感染处理,7天后拆除伤口缝线,I期愈合.随访半年患者无异常.
Example 1: Wang × ×. Female, aged 10. On the dog was bitten by the left eyelid on March 20, 1990. One hour after the injury, he came to our hospital for examination urgently. There was no abnormality in the right eye. Irregular wound.The inner end of the inner corner of the nasal angle within the horn 10mm Department of the wound oblique downward below the outer corner angle 8mm Department, the total length of about 3cm .Shallow depth of wounds.Shallow damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissue, deep Penetrate the full thickness of the eyelid .Frontal fornix conjunctiva from the inside out a long 10mm laceration, anterior segment and fundus without exception. Treatment: urgent to 0. 1% benzalkonium bromide wash half an hour, then rinse the wound with plenty of water 5% iodine tincture repeatedly burned the wound.And then the skin and subconjunctival injection of anti-rabies serum 10000 u.And stratified suture.Postoperative intramuscular injection of anti-rabies serum 10000 u, while the rabies vaccine and tetanus antitoxin and other anti- Infection, the wounds were removed after 7 days and healed in stage I. All patients were followed up for 6 months without any abnormalities.