性能小释放 HKS Supercharger 86

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丰田86/斯巴鲁BRZ的推出令沉寂一段时间的日系性能车改装重新振作起来,众多改装厂商纷纷出手抢夺这一蛋糕。深圳新动力一手打造HKS GT SuperCharge r机械增压加持动感十足的丰田86,实现马力小幅提升!跃动(?)心!七八月的天气总是变幻莫测、捉摸不透,时而倾盘大雨,让人内外湿透;时而炎阳炙人,随时地上烤肉。在这种“烈日炎炎似火烧”、“翻江倒海倾盘雨”的天气下生活,心情多多少少都会受到影响,无论写稿、出差、拍摄,总觉得会有那么一点别扭,效率也会无缘无故 Toyota 86 / Subaru BRZ’s launch quietly for a period of Japanese performance car rebuilt it up, many converted manufacturers have robbed the cake. Shenzhen new power in one hand to create HKS GT SuperCharge r mechanical booster bolster dynamic 86 Toyota, horsepower to achieve a slight increase! Jumping (?) Heart! July and August weather is always unpredictable, unpredictable, and sometimes heavy rains , Make people inside and outside drenched; sometimes hot sun, barbecue on the ground at any time. In this kind of “scorching sun”, “down the river tiller rain ” weather life, more or less the mood will be affected, regardless of writing, travel, filming, always feel that there will be a little awkward, efficiency Will be for no reason
在风景优美的海滩旁,一辆敞篷车是必不可少的。对于喜欢捷豹品牌的消费者而言,现在有了一个最好的选择。 A convertible is essential next to the scenic beach. For consu
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