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一、“穿”“带”双齐进考场考生要穿着整齐进考场,不要穿拖鞋、背心等;带齐考试用品:数理化可带规定的计算器、2B铅笔、准考证。二、掌握时间心不慌掌握考试时间。迟到15分钟不得进场,一般要提早20分钟(第一科考试提早30分钟到达考场,英语考试必须在考前15分钟进场)。充分利用开考前的5分钟。认真倾听监考老师宣读有关规则和注意事项,以免事后惹麻烦。接过考卷,先认真填写姓名、学校、准考证号、座号等;只需检查一下有没有漏页、白页即可,无须把题目从头到尾地详细看一遍;只须看清解题的要求、试卷页数,大致了解一下试题 First, “wear ” “with ” double into the exam candidates should wear neat into the examination room, do not wear slippers, vests, etc .; Bian Qi test supplies: mathematical and chemical can be provided with the calculator, 2B pencil, ticket. Second, grasp the time Do not panic to master the exam time. Late 15 minutes no admission, usually 20 minutes early (the first exam 30 minutes to reach the examination room, the English exam must be 15 minutes before the exam approach). Make the most of the 5 minutes before taking the test. Listen carefully to monitor the proctor to read the rules and precautions to avoid troubles afterwards. Take the examination paper, first carefully fill in the name, school, ticket number, seat number, etc .; just check whether there is no missing pages, white pages can be, without going over the details from beginning to end to see it again; The requirements of the test page, take a general look at the test questions
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and its long-acting analogues have neuroprotective and neurotrophic properties and are emerging as potential treatments for neur
为了丰富自己的QQ空间,在别人博客上看到好东西的时候,免不了就想“顺手牵羊”转到自己的空间。下面就是我的一些转载心得,与同好共享。 In order to enrich their own QQ s
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