学术权力 需要司法控制

来源 :中国高等教育评估 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chensiren
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近段时间来,关于学术权力的讨论逐渐引起人们的重视。其实单一地把学术权力放在道德或学校管理等领域进行考察是不全面的。中国的学术权力存在一定程度上的复杂性。学术权力的形成及层次所谓学术权力(Academic Power)通常有两种含义,广义的学术权力是指大学管理权力,即约翰.H.范德格拉夫等在其《学术权力》中的定义:从高等教育管理的最上层(即国家)到最基层(即教师)等各个层次的管理机构和人员所享有的高等教育管理权力。狭义的学术权力仅指在大学或科研院所中决定其组成人员学术资格、学术经费和学术参与的权力。本文使用的是其狭义的概念。中国的学术权力的历史首先是和中国大学历史相联系的,从高等教育的历史看,中国的大学还不过百年的历史。1949年11月1日,伴随 Recently, discussions on academic power gradually attracted people’s attention. In fact, it is not comprehensive to study academic power solely in the fields of morality or school administration. There is some degree of complexity in China’s academic power. The formation and hierarchy of academic power The so-called academic power (Academic Power) usually has two meanings, broad academic power refers to the management power of the university, that is, John.H.Fendegraf and other in its “academic power” in the definition: from Higher education management power enjoyed by management institutions and personnel at all levels, from the top (ie, state) to the most grassroots (ie, teachers) in higher education management. Narrow academic rights only refers to the university or research institutes to determine the academic qualifications of its members, academic funding and academic participation. This article uses the narrow concept. The history of academic power in China is first and foremost related to the history of Chinese universities. From the history of higher education, there are only a hundred years of history in Chinese universities. November 1, 1949, accompanied
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