Muddy Misery

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  Even less fortunate were those killed bydevastating landslides while they slept. Ataround midnight.
"But China's e-reader industry is farfrom successful," said Wang Bangjiang,Vice President of Hanvon. Wang is cool-headed, despite the fact that he's in themiddle of a manufacturing "fire"-- Hanvon'smo
中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室  2010年9月    前言    2009年是进入新世纪以来中国经济发展最为困难的一年。在这一年里,面对国际金融危机的巨大冲击和严峻复杂的经济形势,中国政府坚持以人为本的科学发展观,把妥善应对国际金融危机、保持经济平稳较快发展与促进人权事业发展有机结合起来,全面实施保增长、调结构、促改革、惠民生的一系列政策措施,有效遏制经济增长明显下滑的态势,在全球率先实现经济回
Global economic performance in the first half of 2010 showed the financial crisis is far from overand the road to real recovery is bumpy. Zhao Jinping, economic researcher at the DevelopmentResearch C
As of July 1, 2010, Beijing'sChongwen and Dongcheng districts weremerged into New Dongcheng District,whiIe Xicheng and Xuanwu districts be-came New Xicheng District.
I firmly believe the Banking Act of 1933--passed in the wake of the GreatDepression in the 1930s, and all but abandoned in 1996--was the most comprehensiveand strict supervisory law in U.S. history. I
Rescue workers and residentsin flood-devastated ZhouquCounty, Gansu Province, wasteno time, combing debris forsurvivors, treating the injured,delivering basic needs to evac-uated residents and restori
There were three issues marking thechanges: Russia and Ukraine's agreementon natural gas supply, Russia's continuedrental of the Black Sea port of Sevastopoland the Ukrainian parliament's decision ton
The expedition has two main objectives:observe the rapid, changes of sea ice in theArctic area and the impact the changes arehaving on the Arctic's marine ecosystem.
The 2010 Cross-Straits Youth Dance Exchange was held in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province, on July 24-28, 2010.
The finless porpoise in the YangtzeRiver may die out in the next 15years, and they are decreasing ata rate of 5 percent annually, saidWang Ding.